chapter 24

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I'm making out with him. We're in the back of an empty classroom at school. I'm straddling him, my fingers tangled in his hair as our tongues fight.

I grab onto the sides of his wheelchair where he rests his arms. He puts his hands on my arms, holding them gently.

I pull away slowly. "Let's have sex" he says. "Really?" I ask. He pulls off my dress, tossing it aside. I start working on undoing his belt.

"Meredith" he says. I look at him. "Meredith" he say. "What, honey?" I ask. "Meredith!" He yells.


"Meredith!" He says. I snap out of my daydream and look at him. We're in class working. Or, well.. he's working.

"Sorry" I say. "What were you thinking about?" He asks. "You" I smile. "Oh" he says.

I kiss his cheek. Two guys turn around to look at us. "What?" I ask. "How did he do that?" The guy whispers to me. "Go fuck yourself" I say. They chuckle. They turn back around.

"What was that about?" Derek asks, confused. "Nothing, don't worry about it" I say, entwining our fingers. "But.. do what?" He asks. "Nothing der" I kiss his lips softly. "..okay" he says.

"Sweetheart, me and izzie are going shopping today after school.. she asked me if you'd want to come along but I already know the answer to that" I chuckle.

"So anyway, I won't be able to come to your house tonight" I say. "What? But-" he frowns. "Honey, I'll see you tomorrow" I giggle. "But Meredith-" he whines.

The bell rings. "Come on, I'll drive you home first" I get up, grabbing both of our bags. We go outside to my car. I help him in.

I smile as he holds my hand as I drive. We arrive at his house and I go inside with him. He moves himself onto the couch and pulls a blanket on his lap.

"Would you like me to get you anything when I go shopping? You need anything?" I ask. He shakes his head. "I'll see you tomorrow.. text me later if you're not asleep yet" I lean down and kiss him.

I squeal as he grabs me, pulling me down quickly. I giggle as he holds me in his arms so I can't go. "Derek you can survive without me for one night" I laugh. "Please don't go" he says. I smile, hugging him.

"I'll see you tomorrow.. I love you" I stand up, kissing him again before leaving. I hear him groan dramatically and giggle. I go.


"What do you think?" I pick up a dress and look at izzie. "Nice" she nods. My phone buzzes. I look at it.

Derek: I'm bored

I chuckle, rolling my eyes. "What is it this time?" Izzie asks. "Hes bored" I giggle. She chuckles. "He's like a puppy who follows you around everywhere" she says. I giggle.

I call him. "Hello" he says. "Hi honey, what you doing?" I smile. "Watching tv.. its crap!" He says. "Well what are you watching?" I ask. "I don't know" he says. "Okay, one second" I chuckle.

I Google some good documentaries that I think he'd like. I tell him a few names. "Okay, thanks" he says.

"Okay, I'm gonna go now" I say. "No! No, you need to stay on the phone" he says. "I'm with izzie, derek" I say. "But you should be here" he says.

"You're so annoying! If I was there then you'd be complaining.. but I'm not, and you're still complaining" I giggle. "Fine, I don't want you here anyway" he says. "You don't mean that" I say. He hangs up. I gasp.

"He hung up on me!" I laugh. She chuckles. "I'm gonna get this" I grab the dress. "Good" she says.

"I'm gonna grab some sexy lingerie to wear for Alex.. you gonna come with?" She asks. "I really don't think Derek would be interested" I giggle.

"I'll get some anyway.. he might have a funny reaction" I chuckle. "Okay" she laughs. We pay in this shop and go to the next.

After shopping, I drive myself home and text Derek goodnight before going to bed.

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