chapter 46

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I finally get to go home after a very long day at school. I drive to Derek's house and go to find him. "Hi sweetie" Carolyn says. "Hi" I smile, walking into the living room.

"Where's derek?" I ask. "Upstairs" she says. I go upstairs. I smile as I walk into his bedroom and see that he's asleep in bed.

I walk closer. I chuckle softly as I realise he's naked underneath the covers. He's probably been waiting all day for me to come home.

I smile, gently running my fingers through his curls. I lean down and kiss his head.

He opens his eyes slowly. "Mer" he sits up slowly. "Hi baby, were you waiting for me?" I ask. He nods.

I lean in and kiss him. "Can you lock the door?" He gets comfortable in his spot on the bed. I go and lock it.

I walk back over. He smiles, watching me as I pull off my clothes slowly. I climb ontop of him and kiss him.

I gently push him, so he's laid back on the bed. I straddle him, entwining our fingers and pinning his hands above his head.

I chuckle softly as I look at him and see the huge smile he has on his face. He's been begging me to have sex with him for DAYS. I made him wait until he's fully healed from the surgery.

"You're so cute" I giggle. "I'm not cute!" He sits up slightly. I push him back down. He frowns. "You are cute" I go back to kissing his neck.

He pushes my hair out of my face and kisses my lips. I smile, looking into his eyes.

He reaches over and grabs the condoms off of his nightstand. I open one and slip it onto him. I bite my lip as I slide onto him. "Ohh" my eyes roll back as he fills me up.

I bite my lip, my head tilting back as I start to grind against him. "You feel amazing" he puts his hands on my waist. "So do you" I lean down to him to let him kiss me.

Carolyn's pov:
I make a face of disgust as I hear the moans coming from Derek's bedroom upstairs. Christopher walks in and chuckles as he hears it too. He sits next to me on the couch.

"Shit! Yes derek! Oh!" We hear meredith moan. "Oh, god" I look at him in horror. He laughs. "Do you wanna go for a walk, love?" He asks. "Please" I get up.

"Oohhhh!" Meredith moans and the squeaking from the bed gets louder. "That's my boy" he chuckles as we leave. "Don't be disgusting" I say. He laughs. We walk down the road to the shops.

Merediths pov:
I gasp out of breath as I collapse next to him on the bed. "That was incredible" I hold his hand. "You are incredible" he rolls onto his belly and kisses me.

"I love you" I rub our noses together, grinning at him playfully. "I love you" he says.

"Can you run me a bath please?" He asks. "Sure.. can i join you?" I ask. "No, I'm having a bath to clean all of your... liquids off of me, I don't want it in my bath water too" he says. I chuckle. "Whatever weirdo" I get up.

I put on Derek's robe. "That's mine!" He says. I ignore him and leave the room. I run his bath for him and come back when it's done.

He's already in his wheelchair. "Its ready baby" I say. He goes into the bathroom. I help him into the bath.

He smiles, looking up at me. "Okay, get in here smelly" he says. "Really?" I giggle. He nods. I go and lock the door before getting in with him.

"Don't call me smelly, you're smelly" I hug his waist, cuddling into him. I laugh as he kisses my shoulder and neck playfully.

"Derek I love you" I put my hand on his chest, looking up at him. "I love you" he says. "Forever and ever and ever" I kiss his jaw playfully.

"Can I wash your hair for you?" He asks. "Its not hair wash day" I say. "Okay" he sighs. "You can if you really want" I smile. He grabs the shampoo bottle. We have a nice relaxing bath together.

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