chapter 33

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I feel Derek's lips on my cheek as he kisses it softly. I smile. "Wake up" he whispers. I move my face to the side, kissing his lips.

I open my eyes slowly, pulling away. "Happy birthday" he says. I grin. "What do you wanna do today?" He asks.

"Well, I think cristina wants to throw a party but if you're not up for it then I'll stay here with you.. I just wanna hang out with you today" I say. "I'll go to a party with you" he says.

"Really?" I ask shocked. "Well, its your birthday" he says. I smile wider.

I kiss him. "Are you going to get drunk again?" I ask. "Maybe a little" he says. I giggle.

"I'm excited.. I love drunk derek" I say. He furrows his brows. He smiles at me. "I love you" he says. "I love you too" I giggle.

I kiss him again. "Do you have a present for me for my birthday?" I put my hand between his legs. "No" he pulls my hand away, glaring at me. I giggle.

"I have an actual present" he says. "That would be an actual present.. one I really really want" I put my hand back where it was. "You wish" He pulls my hand away again. I giggle.

He turns around and grabs the present from the bedside table. He passes me a small box.

I open it and see a bracelet inside. It's silver with small blue gems all around it. "Did your mom help you pick it?" I ask. "No, I picked it myself.. is it okay?" He asks.

I hug him. "Der, I love it so much.. thank you" I say. "You're welcome" he says. I pull away. "Can you put it on me?" I ask. He does.

"Meredith I lied" he says. "Oh, your mom picked it?" I ask. He shakes his head. "What did you lie about then?" I ask. "I want to make love to you tonight" he says.

My heart feels like it just exploded in my chest. "Sex?" I ask. He nods. "I've been thinking about it for ages.. and I'm ready" he says.

"Are you sure?" I ask. "Yes.. tonight?" He asks. I nod enthusiastically. "I've wanted this for so long" I kiss him.

"I know, I'm sorry" he says. "No, don't be.. I'm just happy it's finally happening" I say. He smiles.

"I'm excited" I climb onto his lap, straddling him. "Me too" he says. "Yeah?" I ask. "Yeah.. this will be nice" he says. I nod.

"Will it feel the same as the other stuff we do?" He asks. "For you.. I think" I say.

"Not for you though?" He asks. "I think it will feel a bit different for me.. because it goes inside me, and I've never done that before" I say. "Oh, okay" he says.

"But you'll feel good though, right? It won't hurt you?" He asks. "Baby, don't worry about me.. its going to be perfect for both of us" I say.

"How do you know?" He asks. "Because we're doing it with eachother" I say. "So?" He asks. "Derek, you're the love of my life.. I know that I'm going to spend forever with you" I put my hands on his cheeks.

"That's a long time" he says. "Deal with it" I say. He smiles. I giggle. "I'm gonna get ready" he says. I get off of him. "I'm gonna go and see if your parents got me presents" I say. He chuckles. I grin. I go downstairs.

"Mark, thank god you're here" I go and hug him. "I came to wish you a happy birthday" he hugs me tight.

"Derek wants to have sex with me" I pull away. "No way!" He says shocked. I nod.

"Are you freaking out?" He asks. "I'm trying to stay calm infront of him so I don't scare him, but yes" I say. He chuckles softly.

"Do you want me to talk to him? I can just give him some advice and stuff" he asks. I nod. "Yeah, I think so.. h-he won't know what he's doing" I chuckle softly.

"You need me to talk to you too?" He smirks jokingly. "Piss off" I giggle. He chuckles. "Happy birthday" he kisses my head. "Thankyou" I smile. He walks past me and goes upstairs.

Derek's pov:
I'm sat on my bed, scrolling through my phone. I'm ready now, but I'm just waiting for meredith to come back upstairs.

I look up as the door opens. "What do you want?" I ask as Mark walks in.


I laugh as I watch the video that Mark is showing me. "Oh my god, can you be serious?" He chuckles. "Meredith won't like that I'm watching this" I say. "She's fine" he says.


"And girls like it when you cuddle them after.. so you need to be nice to her, or you'll upset her.. no kicking her out of bed" he says. "I wasn't going to" I roll my eyes.

"Cuddle?" I ask. "Yes.. just be really affectionate and shit.. they get all upset when you're not" he says. "Okay" I say.


"You get your fingers and-" he explains. The door opens. "Meredith!" I hold my arms open. She giggles, hugging me. "Get him to go away" I whisper.

"Has he been talking to you?" She asks. I nod. "About what?" She chuckles. "Disgusting things" I say. She giggles.

"Just remember what I said, okay?" Mark stands up. I nod. "Be nice to her" he points at me. "I'm always nice to her" I roll my eyes.

"I'll see you guys later.. you're coming to cristina's party she's throwing for you?" He asks. She nods. "Bye" we both say. He leaves.

"Can you bring my chair here?" I ask. She grabs my wheelchair and pulls it over. I get into it. "Ow" I say. "What?" She asks. "Theres something digging into my back" I say. She sorts it out for me.

"Why don't you go downstairs baby? I'm gonna get ready" she says. "Okay" I say. I go downstairs to wait for her.

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