chapter 38

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I walk into Derek's house. "Meredith I've been waiting for you for ages" he says. "Oh, sorry baby" I walk over to him. He's in the living room watching tv.

"I want to have sex with you" he says as I walk over. "Where's carol?" I chuckle. "Gone.. I'm home alone" he says. "Oh, okay.. let's go upstairs" I giggle, leaning down to kiss him.


I moan louder as I bounce up and down ontop of him faster. He's helping me move, with his hands on my hips.

Derek has gotten so much better in bed. I thought he was perfect anyway, but now he knows exactly what I want and exactly how to give it to me. Sex with him is amazing.

I think we've done it about 30 something times now in total. It's getting better and better each time. I know how much he enjoys it too. That makes me really happy.

He kisses me. I put my hands on his cheeks, deepening the kiss. I cry out in pleasure, pushing my face into the crease of his neck as he rubs my clitoris.

My nails dig into his waist as I hold onto him, wanting his body as close to mine as possible. His nails dig into my thighs as he grabs them tightly.

I feel waves of pleasure shooting through my body as I finally reach my climax.

My whole body is so weak but I don't want to stop. I can hear his small groans and moans escaping his lips so I know he's close.

I speed up as much as I can. I feel the top half of his body go weak in my arms and I feel something warm inside of me as he finishes too.

I slow down before stopping completely. I pull myself off of him. "Oh my god" I lay next to him, trying to catch my breath. He lays down too.

I smile as he leans over to kiss me. "I love you" I put my hand on his cheek as he stares into my eyes, smiling at me. I kiss him again.

"I love you too meredith" he hugs my waist, resting his head on my chest. We hear the door open downstairs. "Should we go down?" He asks.

"No, let's stay here a bit longer.. this is my favourite part of sleeping with you" I say. "When it's over?!" He pulls away. "No! Derek" I giggle, pulling him back.

"I mean the cuddles afterwards" I say. "Oh" he says. I chuckle softly. "Well.. its not my favourite part" I smirk. "You just said it was" he says.

"Nope" I shake my head. "What is?" He asks. I giggle softly. "The orgasms" I say. "Oh" he says.

"Meredith" he cuddles into me. "Mhm?" I ask. "Do you ever wish I could walk?" He asks. I look down at him. "Um.. that's a difficult question to answer sweetheart" I say quietly.

"Do you?" He asks. "I love you as you are.. you're perfect to me" I kiss his head. "But?" He asks. "I wish it sometimes for your benefit.. I dont like seeing you struggle because of it" I say honestly. "Okay" he says.

"Why are you asking baby?" I ask. "Curious" he shrugs. "Mer" he says a few seconds later. "Mhm?" I ask.

"What is your favourite part of me?" He asks. I giggle to myself softly, trying my hardest to not say something rude. "Your eyes.. and hair" I say.

"Meredith" he says again. "Yes baby?" I sigh. "I love you" he says. "I love you too" I smile.

"Meredith" he says. "Yes?" I close my eyes. "Why do you always get sleepy after sex?" He asks. "Because it's tiring" I giggle softly.

"Meredith" he says. "Yes?" I ask. "Can we go again now?" He asks. "Derek I'm exhausted" I say.

"Please" he says. I sit up slowly. I lean back down, hovering over his top half to kiss him. "I really like that you're so horny all the time.. it turns me on, but babe I'm not a hooker.. I get tired easily" I kiss his neck softly.

He kisses my lips. I reach down and hold his penis in my hand. I start giving him a hand job whilst making out with him. He grows harder in my hand.

"With your mouth" he says. I look into his eyes. "Fine" I chuckle. I move my head down. I take him in my mouth, deep throating him. I bob my head up and down.

He's pulling gently on my hair. I do it until I taste his cum in my mouth. I pull away slowly.

I swallow it, looking into his eyes. He's panting out of breath as I climb up his body. I lay between his legs with my head on his shoulder.

"I love you" he hugs me. "I love you more" I whisper, closing my eyes. I soon drift off to sleep.

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