chapter 12

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I lay in bed, talking to him on the phone. "Are you in your room?" I ask. "Yes" he says. "Alone?" I ask. "Yes" he says. "Door locked?" I ask. "My door doesn't have a lock.. you know it doesn't" he says.

"I'm taking off my shirt" I say. "Kay" he says. "And my bra" I say. "Ok" he says. "My panties are off" I say. "Ok" he says.

"Derek, say something" I giggle. "Oh, right.. um" he thinks. I grin, grabbing my vibrator.

"You're a whore" he says. My mouth drops open. "Derek!" I laugh. "Yeah?" He asks. "Don't call me that" I giggle. "Mark told me to" he says.

"Oh did he?" I chuckle, rolling my eyes. "He said it would get you um.. hot and wet" he says. I laugh. "Are you sweating yet?" He asks.

"No, der.. I-I just want you to be yourself, okay?" I say. "But I don't know what to say.. meredith!" He whines. I smile small.

"It doesn't matter sweetheart, do you want to talk about something else instead?" I ask. "Yes please" he says.

"I'm finishing first though" I hold it to my clit, turning it on. "..okay" he says.

I moan quietly, my back arching. "Is it good?" He asks. "Yess" I moan. He giggles like a little girl. I smile, trying to hold in my laugh between my moans. He's so immature.

"Meredith?" He asks. "Uhh!" I gasp as I get closer. "Yesss" I throw my head back. He keeps giggling.

My body spazms slightly and my eyes roll back as I release. I sigh, turning it off. I hide it under my bed.

"Derek stop laughing" I giggle. He stops. "I hate you!" I say. "Why?" He asks. I roll my eyes, chuckling.

"You're so fucking childish" I chuckle, shaking my head. "You're so funny mer" he says. I grin.

I put him on speakerphone and pull the phone away from my ear. I smile, taking a selfie, making sure to get in my boobs. I bite my lip, taking another. I send them to him.

I take a picture of just my body without my face in it. I send that to him too.

"Oh, wow" I hear him say. I smile. "Did you see that a new season of stranger things is coming out soon!?" He exclaims. I roll my eyes. "Derek! Look at what I just sent you" I say.

"Oh" he says. "Oh my god" he says. I smile. "Did you steal my shirt!? It's on your pillow behind you" he asks. "For gods sake Derek!" I whine.

"What?" He asks. "Do you like the pictures?" I ask. "Yes, you look beautiful... you gave me an erection" he says. My jaw drops and my cheeks go red.

I giggle. I actually love how honest he is. It's so funny. "Oh, what are you going to do about that?" I smirk. "Well, probably have a cold shower or something" he says. I sigh. "I can dirty talk to you" I smirk. "no thankyou" he says. I laugh. "babe" I say.

"fine.. if you get here in the next ten minutes then ill let you do It yourself" he says. I stand up, throwing my pyjamas on.

I run downstairs and race down the road to his house. "hi Carolyn" I run into her house, going upstairs.

"I'm here.. I'm here" I pant out of breath. I climb onto his bed next to him. "Kay" he says. I walk over to him, putting my hands on his cheeks. I lean in, kissing him passionately.

I straddle him. I put my thumb on his chin, pulling his mouth open slightly so I can thrust my tongue into his mouth.

He gags against my lips. "Derek! Don't do that" I giggle, pulling away. "You put your tongue in my mouth!" He yells. I laugh.

"Can I do it?" I tug on his belt. "Yes" he says. "You sure?" I ask. He nods. I undo his trousers. My mouth falls open slightly and I gasp as I pull out his erection.

I've seen him naked before when I've helped him get changed but I've never really looked out of respect for him.. and I've never seen it hard before. But wow.

"Kiss" I say. He pecks my cheek. "Lips" I say. He kisses them quickly. I take him in my hand.

"You like this?" I move my hand slowly. "Not really" he says. I speed up. "Yes?" I ask. "Better" he says.

I climb down his body slightly, kneeling between his legs. I take him in my mouth, bobbing my head up and down.

"That's great" he whispers. I speed up. I look up at him. His head tilts back. I carry on as I see him gripping onto the sheets under him.

I close my eyes, swallowing everything as his cum spills into my mouth. He moans quietly.

I wait until he gets soft before pulling away. I lick his tip. He groans as I suck on it gently. More cum spills out.

I sit up. He does up his trousers. I wipe my lips. "Kay bye" he says. "Derek" I laugh.

"Oh" he kisses me. "Bye" he says. "No, you have to cuddle me after we do something like that" I say. "Oh, really?" He asks. I nod.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't know" he says. He cuddles me. "I can't believe you let me do that" I grin. "It was better than I thought it would be" he says. "Good" I grin.

"So you think that we'd have sex eventually then?" I ask. "No" he says. "But-" I say. "That's different" he says. I sigh.

"Its too much physical contact" he says. "Okay.. thats okay" I say. "But we can do other things if you'd like" he says. "Yeah?" I ask. "Yes" he says. "Okay" I smile.

"I will learn more about dirty talk.. I promise" he says. I smile hugely. "Okay" I say.

He pulls away. "Go away now please" he says. "Okay" I chuckle. "I love you" I say. "I love you too" he says. I look at him. He kisses me quickly. I leave.

I'll do another spicy scene on this story when I reach 305 followers (I know it's more than 2 but my thumbs fucking hurt from writing sm sorry💀)

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