chapter 22

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"Her der" I whisper. He opens his eyes slowly. He sits up quickly. I grab the bucket that I got earlier and pass it to him. He pukes into it. I make a face, stroking his hair gently.

He whines, wiping his lips. "I'll.. empty this" I try not to gag as I take it to the bathroom and pour it out in the toilet, flushing it.

I go back to the room. He's already in his chair, going to the bathroom. He brushes his teeth and uses mouthwash.

"Sweetheart, you can stay in bed today.. I'll look after you" I say. He glares at me. "Derek" I giggle. "This is your fault!" He says.

"Honey, don't be like that.. you wanted to have sex last night.. you loved me, you can't just wake up to hate me again" I smirk. "What?!" He exclaims. "You don't remember?" I ask. He shakes his head. "You're a lightweight" I say.

"Go away" he says. "Derek" I whine. I bend down to him. I look into his eyes. "Kiss me like you kissed me yesterday" I whisper. "No!" He says.

"It was amazing" I say. He makes a face. "I was inebriated" he says. "It was the best kiss I've had in my life" I say. "Obviously" he says. I laugh.

"I liked it.. you were all over me, kissing me and feeling me up" I smirk. "I like you more when I'm drunk" he says. "You don't like me a lot now though?" I ask. "No" he says.

"I love you a lot all the time.. but sometimes I don't like you" he says. "Why?" I smile small. "Because you're mean to me!" He exclaims. "I'm never mean" I say.

"You're always mean! You make me hug you.. and hold your hand in class under the desk.. and you're always laughing at me" he says. "I want to touch you because I love you and I like being near you" I say.

"And you are funny" I say. "But I don't mean to be.. you just laugh at me" he says. He looks at his hands on his lap. I frown.

"I'm sorry Derek, I would never ever mean to hurt your feelings" I put my hands on his cheeks. "Ok" he says. "But I'm not laughing at you honey, I promise I'd never mean it in a bad way, you just make me smile.. and happy" I say.

"You're not laughing at me?" He asks. "No.. never" I say. "Promise?" He says. I lock our pinkies. "Okay" he smiles small. I kiss his lips softly.

"I like you more now" he says. I grin. "Good" I hug him. "Less now!" He says. I pull away quickly. He grins.

"Just one more kiss" I whisper. "No" he says. I sigh. I kiss his head before standing up straight. "Come on sweetheart, we can go back to bed.. does your head hurt?" I walk to my bed. I help him get under the covers.

"A little bit" he sighs. "I'll be right back" I walk downstairs, grab a pill for his headache and go back upstairs. I pass it to him with a bottle of water. He takes it. "Thanks" he says.

I sit next to him on the bed, stroking his hair back gently. He snuggles into the pillows. "The bed smells like you" he says. I smile but it fades as soon as I realise he's making a face. I hit him lightly.

"Cuddle time" I get under the covers with him, snuggling into him. He groans. I close my eyes, pushing my face gently into his chest.

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