chapter 16

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I smile as I walk into Derek's house and immediately see him infront of the tv in the living room, my mom and his mom on the couch behind him talking.

"Hey" I walk over to him. I lean down and kiss his cheek from behind. "Oh, what do you want?" He asks. "Mhm, well.. I wanted to see my grumpy boyfriend" I tease, kissing his cheek again.

"Your hair is getting so long" I comment. "Your hair is getting shorter.. you're probably balding" he snaps back. "Derek, why are you so angry today?" I giggle, putting my hands on his cheeks.

"His hairdresser quit.. so he's refusing to let anyone else cut his hair" Carolyn rolls her eyes. "Oh" I say.

"Nobody else knows how I like it! They'll do it wrong" he says. "I can do it for you sweetheart" I say. "You're not qualified for that" he says. "I know, but I do know how you like your hair" I stroke his cheeks with my thumbs.

He sighs. "It'll grow back soon anyway.. just let me try?" I say. "Fine" he says. "After school, yeah?" I ask. He nods. "Okay" I smile.

"You want a lift?" Carol asks. "No thanks, I'll drive" I say. "Okay" she says. "You ready?" I ask. He nods.

We go out to my car. I help him get in and we drive away. "Honey, calm down" I chuckle as he squeezes my hand.

"No, mer.. school.. go to school.. we're gonna get into trouble" he shake my hand. "Its fine der! Just chill" I say.

I bite my lip, looking at him. I smile. "Baby, if we get into trouble then I'll tell them that It was my fault and I made you skip school, okay?" I say. "Ok" he says.

I smile brightly as he rests his head on my shoulder. I run my fingers through his hair. "Where we going?" He asks. "Where do you want to go?" I whisper. "I don't know.. where do you go when you bunk off school normally?" He asks. "The park" I say.

I drive to the park. I smile as I see its empty. We go over to the swings. I sit down. He just stays next to me as I swing back and forth.

"You want a go der? I can push you" I say. He glares at me. I grin, standing up. "No, mer" he whines as I wrap my arms around him.

"Hold on" I say. He wraps his arms around my neck. I pick him up, sitting him on the swing. "Meredith you're so stupid, my legs are touching the floor" he says.

"Do you remember when I used to do this when we were younger?" I smile. He holds onto the swing. I wrap my arms around his waist from behind. I kiss his neck softly. He nods.

"Oh, babe.. that swing is higher" I point at it. I help him to that one instead. I smile as I see his feet hanging about a foot from the floor.

"Hold on" I say. He does. I push him gently. "I don't like it" he says. I giggle, stopping it.

I stand infront of him between his legs. I wrap my arms around his waist, kissing him.

I gasp, holding onto him as he falls back slightly. "Careful" I say. He holds back onto the swing. I help him back into his chair.

"You're not having fun, are you?" I ask. He shakes his head. "What do you wanna do sweetie?" I ask.

"If you say go to school, I'm gonna slap you" I say. "School" he says. I slap him. "Ow" he says. I giggle.

"Do you wanna watch videos about ferryboats on my phone in the back of my car?" I ask. He nods enthusiastically. "Okay" I smile.

We get in the back of my car. I put on a documentary about how ferryboat run or something like that. I'm not really sure, but he likes it so it's fine.

I drape my legs over his thighs, sitting half on his lap, half on the seat. I kiss his cheek.

"You know-" I say. "Shh" he says. "But-" I say. "Shh" he says. I roll my eyes.

I kiss him. I pause the video. He whines. "Why are you so mean to me?" He sighs. I glare at him. "I'm lovely to you!" I exclaim. He rolls his eyes.

I giggle, kissing his lips. "Fine, I'll shut up" I snuggle into him. He unpauses the video. We stay here until school finishes before going home.

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