Chapter 60

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I sigh as my phone buzzes for about the 50th time today. I look at it and see it's Derek texting me again. I haven't seen him in a couple of days. I don't reply and out my phone down. I groan as it starts ringing.

"Hi baby" I answer it. "Hello Meredith, why did you ignore my message?" He asks. "I'm just watching tv der" I lay back on the couch. "I miss you" he says. "I miss you too babe" I say.

"Why can't you come over?" He asks. "Derek I'm just having a couple of days to myself, okay?" I say. "But I want to see you" he says. I sigh.

"I love you so much baby, okay?" I say. "Okay" he sighs. "I'm gonna go" I say. "....okay" he mumbles. "Bye" I say. He hangs up on me. I groan.

"Hey, what's wrong?" My mom walks in. "Nothing" I say. "You're avoiding Derek" she says. "I just- he's being so clingy" I say. "It's never bothered you before" she sits next to me. "I love Derek so much and I really enjoy his company but.." I trail off.

"What?" She asks. "He wants to see me all the time but all he wants to do is play with his stupid trains, watch his stupid tv shows, have sex and sleep.. it's not fun for me, apart from the sex" I say. She makes a face. I giggle.

"Why don't you talk to him about it then?" She asks. "I have spoken to him about it before but he didn't really take it seriously and I don't want to hurt his feelings" I say. I groan as my phone buzzes again. I grab it.

My babyyy: hi Meredith
Me: hi darling. What's wrong now?
My babyyy: look at what I did
My babyyy: *picture of his game screen*
Me: you won?
My babyyy: yes
Me: well done. I'm so proud of you
My babyyy: thank you Meredith
My babyyy: I miss you still
Me: babe
My babyyy: come over please
Me: fine. I'll be there in ten minutes
My babyyy: yayyyyy

I sigh, getting up. "Where are you going?" She asks. "To see Der" I roll my eyes, going upstairs to get changed. I come back down and grab my car keys before going.

I arrive and walk into his house. "Hi mer" Carolyn says. "Derek!" I yell. He runs down the stairs. "Do not run!" I yell, walking to the end of the stairs. "Meredith!" He squeezes me tight. "Baby don't try and run, especially down the stairs" I hug him back. "I was excited" he kisses my cheek. I smile small.

He puts his hands on my cheeks and kisses me deeply. "Hi" he looks into my eyes. "Hi" I whisper. He holds my hand and I follow him upstairs.

We sit on his bed. "I missed you" he looks at me. "I know" I smile slightly. He hugs my waist. I hug him back. He kisses my neck softly before pulling away. He leans in and kisses my lips. I put my hands on his cheeks and deepen our kiss.

"Can we cuddle?" I pull away slowly. I get under the covers and he climbs ontop of me. He rests his head on my chest as he lays between my legs. I kiss his head softly.

"Der I love you" I whisper. "I love you mer" he smiles at me. I kiss his lips softly. He deepens it immediately. I run my fingers through his hair slowly.

"Der-" I stop and let out a small moan as he starts sucking on my neck. "What?" He pulls away slowly. I look into his eyes. "Nothing, don't stop" I whisper. He kisses down my body slowly.


I sit up, still panting heavily out of breath as I pull on one of his shirts. "Don't leave" he pulls me back into his arms. I reach down and stroke his thigh gently as he kisses my lips.

"I'm gonna take a shower" I pull away slowly. "Can I join?" He asks. "Not this time baby" I get out of bed. "Okay, have a good shower" he kisses my hand. I smile at him before going into the bathroom.


I get out of the shower and go back into his room. I sigh as I see him sat in bed still, playing on his Xbox. I pull on a pair of my pyjamas that I keep here and climb into bed with him. "Can we maybe watch a movie or something?" I ask. "I don't want to" he says.

"Can I play with you then?" I ask. "Yes in a bit" he says. "Derek" I pout slightly. "No" he says. I tear up immediately. "Why are you upset?" He turns to me. "It doesn't matter, I'm going home" I get up. "Why? No!" He frowns, standing up too.

"I told you the other day that I didn't want to just hang around whilst you play your stupid games! I'm bored Derek and you don't even seem to care about me unless we're having sex!" I yell at him.

Dereks Pov:
She's yelling at me. Meredith is yelling at me. I don't know what I did wrong. My breathing gets shallow and I feel my eyes tear up slightly. She never ever shouts at me. I don't understand. I made her mad. She's angry at me.

Meredith's Pov:
I stop yelling as soon as I realise what i just did. I didn't mean to snap at him. "Baby, I-" I hold his hands gently as I see how panicked he is. He's breathing really heavily.

"Sit down, it's okay" I whisper. He sits on the bed and bursts into tears. He's having a panic attack. "Heyyy, I'm sorry.. it's okay" I stand between his legs and hug his neck. "You're okay" I whisper.

"Why are you mad at me?" He wipes his tears. "It doesn't matter right now, just calm down okay?" I kneel in front of him and stroke his cheek with my thumb. He nods in agreement. I hug him again.

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