Chapter 61

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I pull away from him slowly. "I'm sorry for yelling at you" I look into his eyes. "Why are you mad?" he asks once again. I talk to him about it for a little while.

"Do you understand?" I ask. "Yes I think so" he says. He hugs me. "I'm sorry" he says. "Thank you" I kiss his head.

"Do you want to play with me?" He asks as I sit next to him. I smile at him and nod. "What do you want to play?" He hands me a controller. "Mario kart" I say. He puts it on.

"Come here" I move further onto the bed and sit, leaning against the headboard. He joins me and I sit between his legs instead and cuddle into him. He wraps his arms around me and we start playing.

He rests his chin on my shoulder and I smile. "Der you're gonna lose" I giggle as he puts down his controller and just hugs me. "I don't care" he kisses my neck softly. He runs his hand up my shirt slowly and rests it on my stomach.

"No!" I groan as I crash my car. He grabs the controller off of me and catches up to everyone else's cars for me. I take it back. "Thanks baby" I smile.

I end up winning the game. I turn around and give him a kiss. "You're so handsome" I sit on my knees between his legs, looking into his eyes. "Thank you" he says. I smile. I kiss him again.

"Ugh, I love you" I squeeze him gently. "I love you too" he hugs me back. He's like a squishy teddy bear. I love hugging him. I kiss his neck playfully.

"Mer are you still mad at me?" He asks quietly. "No babe, I'm not mad" I look into his eyes. "Were you avoiding me before because you were angry with me?" He asks. "Kinda.. yeah" I say quietly.

"So you didn't miss me.. like I missed you?" He looks down sadly. "Derek, I missed you so much" I put my hands on his cheeks. "Promise?" He looks into my eyes. "I promise" I kiss him softly. He smiles.

"I should've communicated this to you in a much better way.. I'm so sorry, it's my fault" I stroke his cheeks with my thumbs. "I agree" he says. I chuckle.

He kisses me again. "Again?" I smile as he pulls me ontop of him gently. He nods slowly. I giggle.


"Who do you love more.. me or my whole entire family put together?" He asks. He's been asking me stupid questions like this for ten minutes now. We're naked in his bed under the covers and I'm cuddled into him with my head on his chest. He has his arm wrapped around me and he's stroking my hair gently as we talk.

"You" I stroke his jawline with my thumb. "Who do you love more.. me or all of your friends put together?" He asks. "You, Der" I say. This is because I told him that I love him more than anyone in the world.. he can't just take the compliment.

"Who do you love more.. me or your mom?" He asks. "Derek" I giggle. "Ha! So you don't love me the most" he looks at me. "I do!" I grin. He shakes his head. I nod. I put my hands on his cheeks and pull him close, kissing him deeply.

"I love you the most, okay?" I pull away slowly. "Okay" he grins. I giggle, cuddling into him again. "You're my favourite boy ever" I run my fingers through his hair.

"Meredith do you know what happened to me the other day?" He asks. "No.. what?" I ask. "Me and mark were over at his house and he invited his new girlfriend over, but she came over with her friend and I was talking to her friend whilst mark was taking to his girlfriend and after they left, mark said she was flirting with me" he says.

"She was?" I ask. He nods. "But I didn't flirt back mer, I promise" he says. "I trust you" I smile. "Good" he says. "Why are you telling me this now?" I ask curiously. "Because i didn't want mark to tell you and you be mad that I didn't myself" he says. "Oh, thank you for thinking about that baby" I say. "Yes of course" he says. I smile.

"Who was the girl?" I ask. "I don't know.. her name was Emily" he says. "Bitch.. did she know you have a girlfriend?" I ask. He nods. I frown. "You're mine" I squeeze him. He nods again in agreement.

"My derekkkk" I launch myself ontop of him, pushing him so he's laid down. "Ow! Mer!" He yells at me. "You're such a bi-" he says. I glare at him and he stops himself. "What did I say about using that word?" I ask. "Not to" he mumbles. "Exactly" I say.

"I hate you" he pushes me off of him. "You love me" I say. He shakes his head. I nod. "Come here" i lay down. He cuddles into me, resting his head on my shoulder. "You're very warm" i stroke his back gently. "Im tired" he says. "Did all the steamy sex wear you out, baby?" I tease him. He nods.

"You can go to sleep" I whisper. "And you'll stay?" He asks. I nod. "Of course I'll stay" I say. "Okay good" he closes his eyes. I scratch his head very gently until he eventually drifts off.

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