chapter 42

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Meredith is ontop of me. I'm inside of her and we're both fully naked and very sweaty.

She stops moving as her phone rings. I whine quietly. I try to get her to move again but she doesn't. "Baby, wait" she whispers, answering the phone. "Hello" she says.

I kiss her neck, trying to turn her on more so she continues moving. It works. She grinds her hips against me slowly as she speaks to her boss on the phone.

Her mouth falls open slightly as I move her faster. "Yes!" She moans. I smile proudly. My smile soon fades as she looks at me.

Her eyes widen and she pulls my hands off of her. She clears her throat. "Yeah, I'd be fine with working tomorrow" she plays it off.

"I'm always enthusiastic about my job" she giggles. "Okay, bye" she hangs up. She glares at me. I smile. "I'm gonna kill you" she chuckles. "After sex" I kiss her.


"I love you" she strokes my cheeks with her thumbs as we look into eachothers eyes. We're both trying to catch our breaths and I'm still inside of her. She's straddling me.

"I love you so much" I rub my nose against hers. She closes her eyes, smiling. She kisses me.

"This could be one of our last times having intercourse" I say. "Don't call it that" she sighs, pulling herself off of me. I throw the condom into the bin. "That's the word the doctor used" I say. She rolls her eyes.

"It won't be one of the last times.. you'll be fine" she hugs me as she sits next to me. "Maybe not" I say.

"Sorry baby, are you uncomfortable?" She sits up as she sees me shifting in my spot. I nod. She sorts out my pillows and adjusts my legs for me.

"Better?" She asks. I nod. She cuddles into me again. I wrap my arms around her, kissing her head softly.

"I'm too warm" I sigh, pulling away after a few minutes. "Please" she looks up at me with puppy eyes. I roll my eyes and hug her again. She grins.

"I'm hungry" I say. "Want me to make you something?" She asks. "I want a mcdonalds" I say. "Derek I'm running out of money" she whines. "Please, I'll pay you back" I say. "No you won't" she chuckles. I grin. She grabs her phone. She orders it.

"They're not doing deliveries, so I have to go and pick it up" she sighs. "Okay" I say. She glares at me. "I'm not coming" I say. She sighs.

"Yes you are, come with me please" she gets up. I smile, looking at her body. She giggles. "Maybe we should get mcdonalds later instead" I pull her back ontop of me. She laughs, hugging my neck. I kiss her.

"I've already ordered it, honey.. we can come back to bed after" she pulls away. She gets up. I sigh. She throws my clothes at me and I put them on. I get into my chair.

We go downstairs and outside. She helps me into the car and drives us to mcdonalds.

We both go in. We decided to eat in, so we don't have amelia bugging us for our food every five seconds. I go and sit at a table whilst she queues to get the food.

"Here you go baby" she passes me my drink. "Thank you" I smile. She leans down and kisses my cheek. "You okay? Warm?" She puts her hand on my forehead. I nod.

I kiss her lips softly. She smiles. She goes back to the queue. I take a sip of my drink.

I frown when I look up and see her talking to a guy from school. He hugs her. She smiles at him. I've seen him around but I don't know who he is.

Why do people always have to flirt with MY girlfriend. Its so annoying. I know meredith won't do anything about it, but it still makes me angry.

She comes over with her food. "There you go" she sits next to me. I glare at her. "What's wrong?" She reaches up and strokes my hair gently. "Nothing" I mumble.

"What's wrong sweetie? Tell me" she puts her hand on my cheek. "Well.. why do people keep flirting with you?" I frown.

"Der, are you jealous?" She giggles. "No!" I yell. "Shh" she chuckles, looking around to see if people are looking at us.

"Its okay if you are" she says. "Its just annoying" I roll my eyes. "Come here" she gently pulls my face close and kisses me.

I put my hand on her jaw, closing my eyes. I kiss her back passionately. She let's out a small moan against my lips.

She pulls away slowly. "I love you so much, derek" she giggles. "Why are you laughing?" I furrow my brows. "I just find it really cute that you're jealous" she says. "I'm not! Mer!" I whine. She grins.

"Its okay, I was really jealous when you dated Addison" she says. I smile. "Really?" I ask. She nods. "You're my guy, nobody else's" she hugs me. I smile wider.

She kisses my cheek a few times softly. "I love you mer" I say. "I know" she smiles. We eat our food.

Ideas anyone??? (For any of my stories)

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