chapter 34

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Me and derek are at the party. I'm sat with him in the corner of the room. Derek's drunk. I'm drunk. We're making out a lot. I'm sat on his lap.

"I can't wait for tonight.. I need you" I whisper in his ear. "I need you too baby" he pulls me further onto his lap. He's so fucking drunk.

He kisses me again. I'm fucking throbbing through my panties. I've never felt so turned on before.

I pull away slowly. "I need a drink" I get up. "Be quick" he says. I smile. I go to the kitchen. "Hey, you having fun?" Cristina smirks.

"I'm so getting laid tonight" I grin. She chuckles. I grab a bottle of water to drink. "You scared?" She asks. "A little" I shrug.

"But I'm just so horny, I don't care" I say. She chuckles. "I can help with that" a guy walks over, smirking. "My boyfriend has got it covered, thanks" I give him a dirty look. He walks away. Cristina laughs.

"Maybe he'll be a bit cooler once he's no longer a virgin" she says. "Derek's already cool.. he's perfect" I say. She rolls her eyes.

"Thank you for the party" I hug her. "You're welcome" she says. I smile at her.

I go back to derek. "Hi gorgeous" he pulls me onto his lap. I giggle. "I missed you so much" he kisses me. "Mhhm" I put my hands on his cheeks.

"Let's go home" I mumble against his lips. "Okay" he says. I get up. We leave the party.


Its about half an hour later and we're in his bed making out. We're both naked and I'm ontop of him, straddling him.

He runs his hands up my thighs, resting them on my hips. He kisses my neck. I feel his erection pressing against both of our stomachs.

I take his erection in my hand and squeeze it gently. I move my hand up and down slowly.

I pull my hand away and pull away from him to look into his eyes. He tries to pull me close again to kiss me. I kiss him again.

I reach over and grab my bag from beside the bed. He watches me as I go through it. I grab some condoms.

"Are you ready baby?" I whisper. He nods. "Are you ready?" He puts his hands on my cheeks. "Yes" I smile.

I slide the condom onto his erection. I pick myself up. He puts his hands on my hips, positioning me. I slowly slide onto him. My mouth slowly falls open as he stretches me out.

"You feel amazing" he whispers. "So do you" I kiss him. I grind against him slowly. We both moan quietly against eachothers lips.

I start moving myself up and down carefully. "Ohh, wow" I moan into his shoulder. "Are you okay?" He looks into my eyes. "Mhm" I nod.

"Does it hurt?" He asks. "No, it- mhm" I bite my lip. "It feels good" I moan. He smiles.

I put my hands on his shoulders, pushing him so he's laid down. He runs his hands up slightly to my waist.

I bounce up and down faster, letting out louder moans. I stop, leaning down to him. I grind against him slowly instead as I kiss up his chest.

"Derek" I cry out in pleasure into his neck. "Meredith" he groans. He helps me move up and down, with his hands on my waist.

"Ohhh" I moan as he puts his fingers on my clit, rubbing it in circles. "That feels so good" I breathe.

I slowly sit back up. I hold his arms, helping him sit up too. I kiss him. I'm so tired. My whole body feels so amazing but so achey at the same time. I think we're both really close.

He groans against my lips. My back arches and my nails dig into his arms. I moan deeply against his lips. I speed up. My head falls back and I bite my lip hard as I cum.

"Uhh!" I moan, riding out my orgasm. He groans at the same time and I feel something warm inside of me.

I slow down until we're both fully finished. I stop. "Fuck" I pant heavily out of breath. I pull myself off of him.

"Oh my god" I look at him. I giggle. He smiles at me. I lean in and kiss him. He pulls off the condom. "What do I do with this?" He asks. "Put it in the bin" I giggle.

"What if my mom sees?" He asks. I grab some tissues to hide it in, then throw it away.

"Are you not telling your mom about this?" I ask. He shrugs. "I don't think she would care.. and I don't care, but It makes you uncomfortable" he says. I smile. Derek being thoughtful of my feelings? Wow.

He sits back, leaning against his headboard. He makes himself comfortable. "You okay?" I ask. He nods.

He holds his arms open. I move between his legs, hugging his waist. I rest my head on his sweaty chest. He pulls the covers over us.

"That was amazing" I run my hand up and down his thigh slowly. He pushes his face into the crease of my neck. I push mine into his chest. "Babe?" I ask. "Mhm" he hums.

"Did you like it?" I ask nervously. He nods. "I feel closer to you" he hugs me tighter. "Me too" I say.

"So.. you'd like to do it again?" I ask. "Now?" He asks. "Ever" I giggle. "Yes" he says. "Good" I turn around and kiss him.

"Was this a good birthday?" He asks. "The best" I say. "I love you" he says. "I love you too" I say. I pull away from his chest to kiss his lips.

"Mer guess what" he says. "What?" I smile. He reaches to the bedside table and grabs something from the drawer. "I got you another present" he says.

"Why didn't you give it to me this morning?" I ask. "I got nervous" he says. I smile small.

He hands me an envelope. I open it and pull out two tickets. "What's this?" I ask. "Tickets to an opera" he says. "Really?" I ask shocked.

"I didn't think it would be your thing, but I know how much you like dressing up fancy, and we can go to a nice dinner after too" he says. "Der, I love it.. thankyou" I hug him.

"Thank my parents for paying" he chuckles. I giggle. "Was it your idea though?" I ask. He nods. "I love you" I say. I kiss him.

He hugs me again. I cuddle into him. "Can I sleep with you?" I ask. "Obviously" he scoffs. I giggle softly.

"Derek" I say. "Yeah?" He asks. "Why don't you like me reading to you before bed anymore? You used to love it" I ask. "Because now you give me a kiss instead" he says. I smile.

"I liked you reading to me, but I only ever asked you to so you'd stay in my room for a bit longer" he says. I smile brightly.

I close my eyes. "Goodnight derek" I say. "Night" he says. I very quickly fall asleep.

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