Chapter 62

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I walk into the break room at school. I just had lunch with Cristina, but Derek didn't come and join us.. so I decided to go and look for him.

I smile small as I see him sitting with a group of boys in the corner of the room. They're all laughing and joking around and Derek is trying to join in a bit, but I can tell by his face that he doesn't understand the joke.

He makes eye contact with me and smiles. I smile wider, waving at him. He waves back at me. "Are you okay?" I mouth. He nods.

He waves for me to come over. I do. "Hey guys" I smile as Derek pulls me onto his lap. "Hi" they all say back. He hugs my waist tightly. "You sure you're okay?" I whisper, putting my hand on his arm. He nods.

"I'm ten times cooler now that you've walked over" he whispers. I chuckle. "I missed you at lunch" I run my fingers through his hair. "I can't be everywhere at once Meredith" he says. "I didn't think you could" I chuckle.

"I'm just saying that I missed you" I kiss him softly. "I didn't miss you" he says. "Nice Der, thanks" I roll my eyes. "You've been texting me the whole entire time.. how could I have missed you when you never leave me alone?" He says. I giggle.

I lean in and kiss his lips. "I love youuuu" I kiss him again. He puts his hand on my cheek and deepens our kiss. He groans softly as I bite his bottom lip. I giggle, pulling away slowly.

"I'm horny" he runs his hand up my thigh. "Der shhh!" I laugh in disbelief that he just said that so loudly, looking around to make sure they didn't hear. They didn't.

"Can we go home? I wanna take you to bed" he squeezes my thigh gently, scanning my body. "Not right now" I giggle. "Why not? Mer, you were texting me telling me that you wanted me earlier" he shows me his phone. "I know baby.. I meant tonight" I say. "I want you right now Derek" he reads my message aloud. I giggle.

"I didn't mean it seriously" I sigh. "But I do want you now" he scans my face. "Well you're just gonna have to wait" I grin. He looks at me shocked. "Mer" he pouts at me. I don't say no to him often.

"Derek, what do you do when someone says no?" I look into his eyes. "I'm respecting you! You're just annoying me" he pushes me off of him. "Hey" I look into his eyes. "You're confusing me.. why did you say you wanted me if you don't?" He asks.

"Derek-" I say. "Meredith, come quick.. izzie and Callie are fighting" Cristina runs in. I get up and run after her.


I walk back into the break room. Derek is sat in the corner. He looks really sad. "Hey, what's wrong?" I stand between his legs and lean down to hug him. I rub his back gently.

"I've been alone for ages" he hugs my waist. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to leave you like that.. I just wanted to see if izzie was okay" I kiss his cheek.

"Der" I smile as he pulls me onto his lap gently, so I'm straddling him. I hug him tight. He hugs my waist. "Don't not want me then?" He asks. "Baby, of course I want you.. just later, okay?" I look into his eyes. "Okay" he smiles.

"I love you mer, I'm sorry for being mean before.. I didn't mean it, I was just confused" he says. "It's okay babe" I kiss him.

"Why did you say now earlier then?" He asks. I sigh. "I didn't think you'd take it seriously, sweetheart" I chuckle softly, hugging his neck. "So you Lied?" He asks. "I didn't lie.. I do want you now, I just can't right now" I grin.

"Mer can we go now? My legs hurt" he pouts at me. "They do?" I rub his thigh gently. He nods. "Okay baby, I'll take you home" I stand up. He holds my hand and gets up too. We leave.


"Der, I can't believe you lied to me!" I giggle as he rolls off of me in bed. He lied about his legs hurting so that I'd take us home. "I wanted you" he runs his hand up my thigh slowly. "You're naughty" I look into his eyes. He smiles at me. "I love you mer" he cuddles into my side. "I love you too" I grin.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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