chapter 7

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I'm sat in bed reading when meredith walks in. "Hi der!.. um, can I sit with you?" She asks. "If you have to" I say.

"Um, its okay.. nevermind" her voice trembles and she walks out quickly. I furrow my brows.

I go downstairs a little bit after. "Meredith" I go into the living room. "Yeah, what's up?" She wipes her tears quickly, sitting up. She's in here alone, sat on the couch.

"Oh, whats wrong?" I ask. "Nothing" she says. "Did I do something? I did, didn't I?" I ask, going over to her.

She starts crying again. "I-I got broken up with again and- and I just wanted to talk about it with my best friend b-but-" she sobs.

"I'm so sorry.. come here" I hold her hands. She shakes her head, tears streaming down her cheeks as her lip trembles.

"Its okay, let me hug you" I say. She climbs onto my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck, sobbing into my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her waist.

"I'm sorry" I say. "Its okay" she sniffles. "I didn't know you were upset" I say. "I'm just being stupid.. I'm sorry" she pulls away slowly. "No, don't.. I'm hugging you" I pull her back in. She squeezes me tighter.

"I-I um.." I say. "What?" She whispers. "Like.. have heart gushy things for you" I say awkwardly.

"What?" She giggles. I smile small. "Are you trying to tell me you love me?" She giggles. "I guess.. you're my best-est friend and you're like.. cool" I say.

"Derek, did you really just say that?" She pulls further away away slowly, smiling hugely. "Don't make it weird.. I'm just cheering you up" I say. She giggles. "I love you too!" She kisses my cheek a bunch of times.

She smiles, looking into my eyes, her face just millimetres away from mine. She kisses my lips softly.

I close my eyes. She puts her hands on my cheeks gently. She pulls away, looking into my eyes.

"That was weird" I say. "I gotta go" she gets up, leaving quickly. I furrow my brows.


The next morning im already at merediths house at the dinner table eating breakfast with Carol, thatcher, lexie and she's still upstairs. My mom dropped me off here before going out.

She walks in. "Oh, derek.. Derek's here.. derek" she says. "Why you being weird?" Lexie asks. She sits opposite me.

"I think its because she kissed me yesterday and she's probably embarrassed because I'm her friend and it was a really weird thing to do" I say. "What!?" They all exclaim, looking at her. She turns red.

"Did you have to say that to everyone?" She glares at me. "Oh, was it a secret?" I ask. Meredith taught me about the importance of keeping secrets very early on in our friendship.

Flashback (they're 9):
"meredith likes Robbie, so she wants to be in the same team as him" I say to the class. We're in pe.

"Derek what the hell!" She yells, bursting into tears. She runs away.


"You're such an idiot" she sobs into her hands. We're under the bleachers. "I don't understand.. you told me that you liked him" I say. "Its a secret!" She says.

"Oh, w-what does that mean?" I say. "You don't know?" She asks. I shake my head.


"So, if you pinkie promise like this.. that means the secret is locked in forever, but anything I tell you that I say is a secret, you can't tell anyone.. because I'm your best friend, okay?" She says. I nod. "I understand" I say.

She ignores my question. "It wasn't a kiss kiss.. it was just me kissing my friend.. nicely" she says. "But you've never kissed me on the lips before" I say. "Shut up" she says.

"Meredith" I say. "What?" She sighs. "Was it a secret?" I ask. "" she says. "Oh, okay good!" I smile, eating my food.

My phone starts ringing. "Oh, I'm sorry.. I forgot to turn it off" I say. "That's okay sweetie, answer it" Ellis says. "Hi addison" I pick it up.

"Hey" she says. "What do you want?" I ask. "Um.. I wondered if you'd wanna hang out today?" She asks. "I'm at merediths house today" i say. "And you can't leave?" She chuckles.

"Um" I say, thinking about it. "Can I go out?" I ask. "Why are you asking me, I'm not your mom" Ellis says. "I'm under your supervision.. you don't think you should know where I am?" I say. "You've got a point" she says.

"Where do you want to go?" She asks. "I don't know" I say. "Let me speak to her" she says. I pass her the phone.

She agrees and I get ready quickly before going to meet addison in the park.

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