chapter 29

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I'm in dereks bedroom watching tv whilst he's in the bath. I furrow my brows as I hear a banging noise in the bathroom. I walk in.

"Babe, you okay?" I ask. I scream, jumping to the side as he throws a shampoo bottle at me. "Sorry! Sorry, that wasn't aimed at you" he says as it dodges me, banging against the wall instead.

"What are you doing?" I ask. "Theres a spider" he points at the wall. I turn around. I laugh, squishing it with a tissue. "Thanks" he says.

I walk over to him. "You're a psychopath" I kneel down beside the bathtub to his level. "No I am not" he says. I giggle.

I kiss him softly. "I love you" I say. "Love you too" he mumbles. "Derek" I say. "I love you" he says properly. I smile.

"What book you reading?" I ask. He shows me. "What's it about?" I ask. "Science, of course" he rolls his eyes. "Oh, that's cool.. you enjoying it?" I run my fingers through his curls. He nods.

"Tell me when you wanna get out and i'll help you" I kiss his cheek, standing up. I leave and go back to his bed.

Ten minutes later he gets out and now he's sat in bed next to me in his pyjama bottoms, putting lotion on his arms.

"Um.. meredith" he says. "Yeah?" I ask, not taking my eyes off of the tv. "You didn't give me a kiss when you sat next to me.. and normally you do" he says. "I'm watching tv" I say. "Meredith" he says. I kiss him quickly. "Thankyou" he says.

He holds my hand. I smile. I cuddle into him. "Oh you're all sticky!" I whine. "Lotion" he says. I pull away.

"My shift at work starts soon so I'll have to go in a few minutes" I say. "No don't leave" he says. "I have to" I say. "No" he says. "Yes" I giggle.

"Bye" I stand up, grabbing my things. "I love you babe, thanks for letting me sleep in your bed" I smile. "I'll miss you" he says. "I'll miss you too" I chuckle softly, kissing his lips.

He's so funny sometimes. He's the most cold hearted person I know, but when I'm about to leave to go somewhere without him, his heart grows three times in size and he gets emotional about it.

"Don't leave me" he holds my hand. "Babe, I'll be back after my shift" I giggle. "Can I come with you?" He asks. "No" I say. "Please" he says. I shake my head.

I grab my things before leaving. I go to my house to get ready before going to work.


I'm halfway through my shift when my phone starts ringing none stop. I finally pick it up.

"Hi" I say. "Meredith can you come here?" Christopher asks. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Dereks having an anxiety attack.. Carolyn is trying but she can't calm him down" he says.

"Yeah, I'll be right there.. can you put him on the phone?" I ask, grabbing my things quickly. "Yeah" he says.

"Derek, you there?" I ask. "Meredith?" He says. He's breathing really heavily and it almost sounds as if he's crying. "Hi sweetheart.. will you take deep breaths for me? Slow down your heart rate" I ask in a calm voice.

I get in a cab and go to his house, talking to him on the phone the whole way there.

I run inside and go up to his room. He's sat on his bed, still not breathing steady. "I'm here der" I put my hand on his cheek. He looks at me. He hugs me tight, pushing his face into my shoulder.

"Where's his inhaler?" I ask. "Its ran out" Carolyn says. "I think there's a spare one in the top drawer over there" I say. She grabs it. I keep hugging him, stroking his back gently.

He takes a few puffs of his inhaler. "I've got it" I smile at his parents. "Thanks meredith" Carolyn says. They both leave the room.

"What happened?" I ask. "I don't want to talk about it please" he says. "Okay" I hug him. He cuddles into me, resting his head on my shoulder. "I love you" he says. "I love you too" I kiss his head.

"Did you get into trouble for leaving work?" He asks. "No, its okay" I say. My work knows about derek because when I started I told them that I have a best friend who relies on me a lot and they understand. He doesn't know this because I don't want to hurt his feelings by insinuating that he's not independent.

"Are you mad at me?" He asks. "No, of course not" I say. I pull away from him slowly, looking at him. I kiss him.

I open my eyes, pulling away. "Derek" I say. "Yes" he says. "When I kiss you.. do you close your eyes?" I ask. "Sometimes" he says. "Sometimes?" I giggle.

"I like to be aware of my surroundings and sometimes kisses last a while so.. yeah" he shrugs.

"Why? What do you think is gonna happen if you close your eyes?" I ask. "What if a murderer creeps up behind you or something?" He asks. I laugh.

"Close your eyes when I kiss you, okay?" I say. "I do sometimes" he says. "All the time.. that's a rule" I say. "Okay" he says. I giggle, shaking my head.

"Can I go to sleep?" He asks. "Of course you can" I say. "Are you staying here?" He asks. "Do you want me to?" I ask. He doesn't answer.

"I'll stay here" I say. "Whatever" he mumbles, hiding his smile. I smile wider. I lay down. "Here" I pull him into my arms. He cuddles into me. "Don't fall asleep.. you snore like a truck driver" he says. "I won't" I chuckle. He falls asleep.

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