chapter 49

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7 months later:
Two months ago, derek took his first steps. Today will be his first ever full day without using his wheelchair.

I'm in the living room, sat on the couch. His parents are sat on the other couch.

He walks in. I smile brightly, holding my arms open to him. He climbs next to me on the couch and hugs me. "My handsome boy" I kiss his face playfully. He gives me a dirty look, making me giggle.

"I missed you" I look into his eyes. "When?" He asks. "When I didn't see you for two whole days" I chuckle. "I didn't even think about you" he says. "Thanks, babe" I roll my eyes.

"I really missed you" I frown. "I missed you too" he says. "You just said-" i look at him. He smiles. "Ugh" I roll my eyes.

"Have you two had normal people sex yet?" Mark walks in. "Why are you here?" Derek rolls his eyes. "Mark!" I giggle.

"Is the sex we have.. not normal?" Derek looks at me. "It is" I chuckle. "Are you sure?" He asks. I sigh.

"Derek, don't listen to him.. he's trying to wind you up" I say. He glares at mark. "When are we going to have normal sex?" He asks.

"Please can we talk about this another time?" I ask quietly. "No" he says. "Then never" I say. "No! We can! We can" he says. I giggle.

I kiss him. "I'll be right back" I get up. "Where are you going?" He asks. "Bathroom" I say.

Derek's pov:
"So, why haven't you had sex yet?" Mark sits next to me. "Why are you here?" I look at him. "To hang out!" He wraps his arm around my shoulder. I pull it off.

"I don't think my legs are strong enough yet" I say. "You could try" he says. "I want it to be good for her.. I'm going to wait until I am fully sure that I can give her a good time" I say. "Fair enough" mark says.

"Anyway, I don't know how" I say. Mark laughs. "What?" I look at him. "Its unbelievable that you have a girlfriend" he says. "You don't" meredith walks back in and sits on my lap. I smile at her, hugging her waist. Mark glares at her.

"I'm sure meredith knows what she's doing" Mark says. "How?" I ask. "I showed her" he smirks at her. Meredith laughs. "When?" I frown. "He's joking, der" she giggles, hitting marks arm.

"You have nothing to worry about, derek.. it'll be great either way" she hugs my neck, looking into my eyes. I kiss her passionately, grabbing her waist and pulling her closer. "Mhhm" she hugs my neck tighter.

I pull away. She smiles at me. She kisses me again. "Do you want to go and do some stuff upstairs?" She smirks slightly. I nod.

"Come on" she stands up, grabbing my hand. "Bye mark" she grins at him. I follow her upstairs.


I let out a deep groan as my cum spills down her throat. She pulls away and giggles softly. "Was that good? Yeah?" She smiles as I lean in to kiss her. "Yeah" I kiss her lips.

"I want to have sex with you.. now" she climbs ontop of me. "Really?" I smile. She nods. "Yeah, I need you inside of me" she whispers in my ear.

Sometimes, when meredith is turned on, her voice changes and it gets sexier. I like it. She sounds desperate for me. It turns me on.

I grab her thighs and pull her closer. She gasps quietly as I lay her down on the bed and hover over her. She moans quietly as I suck on her neck. "You're so sexy" she whispers. I reach down to pull off her panties.

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