chapter 4

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"How was school today honey?" My Mom asks. Me, my mom, my dad and my sisters are having dinner at the table.

"It was bad, where is meredith?" I ask. "She's not coming over today" she says. "What? But I need her to" I say.

"She has plans sweetheart" she says. "I'm calling her" I grab my phone. "Derek, you need to let her have at least one night to herself" my mom says. I groan, putting my phone down.

"Meredith is helping me find a date so I can get a girlfriend" i say. Amelia chokes on her drink and they all look at me. "You're dating?" Amelia asks. I nod.

"Um.. honey, are you sure?" My Mom asks. "Yes" I say. I take a bite of my food. "This is good dad" I say. He cooked. "I'm glad you like it" he smiles.

"Hey" I hear the front door open. "Merediths here!" I go to the door as fast as I can. She giggles as she sees me. "You almost ran me over, what are you doing?" She asks.

"I thought you weren't coming" I say. "I just came by to say hi to you.. I am leaving again though, sorry" she says.

"Where are you going?" I ask. "My Grandma's house" she says. "Can't you just skip it?" I whine. "You want me to stand up my grandma?" She giggles. "Yes" I say. She shakes her head.

"I really gotta go, bye derek" she says. "What? But you only just got here" I whine. "I know.. I just came to say hi" she shrugs. "Fine" I frown. She smiles. "Don't be like that" she says. I roll my eyes.

"Bye" I say. She leans down. I move away. She grabs my face, giggling. She kisses my cheek. She hugs me before pulling away.

"Call me if you have trouble falling asleep and I'll read to you, kay?" She says. I nod. "Okay" I say.

She leaves. I go back to the kitchen. "Why do you need to date anyway? You're 16!" My mom says. "I just want to" I shrug.

"Meredith is going to set me up with one of her friends" I say. "Why don't you just date meredith?" Amelia chuckles. "Merediths my best friend.. don't be ridiculous, its a conflict of interest" I say.

"You don't like her?" Amelia asks. "I do" I say. "No, I mean.. like, find her good looking.. hot" she chuckles.

"She's gorgeous.. she always has been.. and I do think she's what you could call sexy.. she always takes off her clothes infront of me when she's getting changed or helping me into the shower and I can't stop staring at her.. but we're just friends" I say.

They all look at me shocked. "You like her" Nancy says. "I already told you I do" I say. They all groan in frustration.

"Oh mom, can my friend sleep over tomorrow? We need to study" Kathleen asks. "What friend?" I ask. "Addison" she says.

"She's in my grade.. you have no subjects together" I say. My mom raises her brow. "Please mom.. we just want to hang out!" She whines. "Fine" she says. "Yes!" Kathleen says. I sigh.

"I'm going to bed" I say. "Okay, night" my mom says. "The food was great dad, much better than the disaster you made last time" I say. "..thanks" he says. I go upstairs and climb into bed.

I don't end up calling meredith and just fall asleep by myself after reading a few pages of my book to myself, but she did already send me a goodnight message.

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