chapter 15

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Me and derek are on the couch watching tv. He's sat down and I'm laid between his legs, my head resting on his chest.

His mom and Nancy are also in here sat next to us. His phone bleeps. He doesn't move. "Sweetie, that was the cuddle time alarm" I whisper.

I pull away slowly. "10 more minutes" he pulls me back. I smile brightly. I squeeze him tighter. Oh my god. He wants more cuddle time with me.

"I love you" I mumble into his chest. "I love you too" he says. I kiss his neck softly. He always smells so good. I close my eyes.

Derek's pov:
"Meredith" I say a few minutes later. She doesn't move. I whine, shaking her. "Derek leave her alone, she's asleep" my mom says.

She cuddles Into me. I whine. "Stop whining.. you sound like a dog" Nancy says. "She's squishing me!" I say. "She's tiny.. no she isn't" my mom says.

I look down at her. "Derek, I mean it.. leave her alone" my mom says. I smile small as I look at her. I've never really seen her sleeping before. She looks peaceful.

I kiss her head. She cuddles further into me. "Derek?" She opens her eyes slowly. "Mhm?" I ask. She smiles, kissing me softly. "What?" I ask again. "Nothing.. I love you" she whispers. "Ok" I say.

"Do you love me too?" She whispers. I nod. She smiles. "Mer" I say. "Mhm?" She asks. "I want to tell you something bit I think it might be a secret" I say.

"You can tell me.. whisper it" she smiles, moving closer. "I think that we should skip school tomorrow" I whisper. She gasps.

"Derek shepherd" she says. "What?" I ask. "That's naughty" she says. "B-but you always do it!" I whine. "I'm just teasing you" she giggles. "Oh" I say. "Yeah, we can" she says. "Okay" I say.

"Is it a secret?" I ask. "Yes.. definitely" she nods. "Ok" I say. I hold my pinkie out. She smiles, entwining hers with mine.

"What secret?" Amelia asks. "N-" meredith says. "Don't tell her" I whine, shaking her. She giggles. "Chill! I was just going to say nothing" she says.

She kisses me. I let her. I gag against her lips as she licks mine. "Stop! Stop doing that" she laughs. "Stop putting your tongue in my mouth" I say.

She giggles. "You like it really" she grins. "No, I don't" I whine."Fine" she giggles, pecking my lips. "Thankyou" I say. She grins.

Merediths pov:
"You know.." I run my finger down his chest slowly, moving my face to his.

"What?" He asks. "You're hot when you wanna break all the rules" I whisper in his ear. He furrows his brows. I grin.

"I'm tired.. get off" he suddenly sits up. "Derek" I laugh as I slowly fall off of him, onto the floor. I giggle, looking up at him.

"Grab my wheelchair" he says. I pull it closer to him. He pulls himself in to it. He leaves the room. I chuckle softly, standing up. I sit on the couch.

A few minutes later I hear yelling upstairs. "Meredith! Meredith! Mer! Meerreeedddiiittthhh!" He yells. I look at Carolyn. She laughs.

I giggle, walking upstairs. I walk into his room. He's sat under his covers in bed.

"Hi" he says. I chuckle, rolling my eyes. "Hi" I say. He just looks at me. "What can I do for you my love?" I grin, climbing onto his bed next to him.

"Nothing" he says. "Okay.. what did you call me here for then?" I ask. "I just wanted to see you" he says. I grin. I grab my pillow from under his bed.

I lay next to him on my side. I put my hand on his chest. I just lay with him for a bit until he gets tired and tells me to leave. I go home.

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