chapter 31

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Me and derek are in his bed making out. We only just woke up ten minutes ago. He runs his hand up my thigh.

I pull away from his lips slowly. He smiles. I smile wider. "What do you wanna do today?" I ask. "I'm hanging out with mark" he says. "You are? Why am I not invited?" I ask. "You can come" he says.

"What are you doing?" I ask. "Going to watch trains at the station" he says. Marks a really good friend. "I'll come" I say. "Ok" he says. He kisses me again. We continue making out.


We're all at the train station, watching the trains go past us. I look at mark. He chuckles. "Its actually fun" mark says. "No it isn't" I say.

We're on two chairs either side of Derek. I kiss his cheek. I jump slightly as one of the train horns go off. Derek laughs at me. "Shut up" I mumble.

I smile as he kisses my lips. "Maybe we can go on a steam train one day.. that would be a good date" he says. "Yeah, it would" I smile.

"How much does that cost?" I ask. "About $50 each" he says. "Ok" I say. "Mark have you got a girlfriend yet?" He asks. I grin, looking at mark. He glares at me. "No" he says. "Oh" Derek says.

"That's such a shame for you" I tease. "I agree" Derek says. "I may not have a girlfriend but I can still have sex whenever I want" he says. "Ass" I mouth. He grins.

"Let's take a picture" I grab my phone. I hold It up. He looks at the camera. I wrap my arm around his shoulder. "No!" Derek yells as Mark grabs his face, kissing his cheek. I laugh, taking a picture.

I laugh hysterically as he wipes his cheek a bunch of times with the sleeve of his jumper.

"Meredith that's your fault! He saw you kissing me and thought that it was okay" he says. "Derek he's just winding you up" I giggle. "No kissing" he glares at me. "Either of you" he looks at mark.

"I don't agree to that" I say. "You can kiss me but he can't" he says. "Good" I giggle. I kiss him softly. "What do you want to do later?" He asks, entiwning our fingers. "We can grab something to eat on the way home" I say.

"From where?" He asks. "What do you want?" I ask. "Umm.. pizza" he says. "Okay we'll get pizza" I say. "Mark, you okay with pizza?" I ask. "Yes" he says.

"Can we go now? There's less trains at this time" he asks. "Yep" I say. We get in my car and I drive us to the pizza place. We pick up a pizza and go back to dereks house.

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