chapter 44

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I'm sat beside Derek's bed, holding his hand. He's still asleep. His whole family is surrounding his bed but I'm the closest.

"Derek" I whisper as I feel him squeeze my hand gently. He opens his eyes slowly. He groans quietly, closing them again.

"Babe, hey" I whisper, running my fingers through his hair. "Mermer" he mumbles before falling back asleep. Everyone chuckles softly. I smile.

"He still has a lot of drugs in his system" the doctor says, walking in. He opens his eyes again slowly. He smiles as he sees me. "Hi" I giggle softly. "Mereditthhhh" he leans over to me. I smile brightly against his lips as he kisses me softly.

I pull away. "Are you okay?" I grin. He gasps. "What?" I ask. "Where's mommy?" He asks. "She's there" I say. He turns his head to look at her. She smiles at him.

He looks back at me. "Hello" he says. "Hi" I giggle. "Derek, can I ask you a few questions?" The doctor asks. Derek just stares at me with a smile on his face. "Der" I whisper. He looks at the doctor.

"You like those drugs?" The doctor chuckles, helping him sit up straight. He nods enthusiastically. I giggle. "I want another kiss!" He looks at me. "Answer the doctors questions first" I stand up. I push his curls back gently and kiss his forehead.

"Can you feel this?" The doctor starts examining his legs. "No" he says. "Can you move them at all?" He asks. "No" he stares into my eyes.

"Well, that's okay.. sometimes it takes a while for any results" the doctor says. "Do you think.. the surgery failed?" I ask quietly. "It really does take a while to tell, I'll be back in a couple of hours" the doctor leaves. I sigh.

I look down at him. I smile small as I see he's still staring at me, waiting for his kiss. I lean down and kiss his lips. He puts his hands on my cheeks. I close my eyes.

He pulls away slowly. I smile at him. "Can I have cuddles?" He asks. I climb onto his bed with him and cuddle into him. He wraps his arms around me.

"Lay down" he says. I lay down and he rests his head on my chest. "I'm achey" he mumbles. "I bet" I say. He runs his hand down my side and grabs my thigh gently, pulling me closer.

"Are you still upset?" He asks. "Mhm?" I furrow my brows. "You were crying before my surgery" he says. "Oh, I wasn't upset I was just.. scared" I say quietly.

"Derek, we got you a present" amelia says. "Really?" He sits up slightly. I sit up too.

He grabs the bag off of her and opens it. "That's.." he trails off as he looks at the bracelet she bought him. "That's nice, isn't it der?" I interrupt him, knowing exactly what he's thinking already.

"Its hideous" he says. "Oh, thanks" she says sarcastically. She snatches it off of him. She gently grabs his arm and puts it on him.

"Will you wear it anyway, for me?" She smiles small. "Okay" he says. She hugs him. He rolls his eyes but hugs her back. I smile. "I love you" she pulls away. "Me too" he mumbles, looking down awkwardly. She chuckles. She walks away.

"Can you guys leave for a bit please? I want to speak to meredith in private" he asks. "Sure" Christopher gets up. They all follow him out.

My eyes widen in shock as he kisses me passionately. "Mhm" I put my hand on his cheek, closing my eyes. I run my hand down his side slowly.

"Mer" he smiles against my lips, grabbing my hand gently. "Wait, do you feel that?" I ask shocked. "Obviously, you're touching me" he says.

I hit his thigh gently. "Ow! Meredith, I just had surgery!" He whines. "I'm sorry baby, but you can feel it!" I smile. "Oh" he smiles, looking down.

"But I can't feel my feet still" his smile fades. I sigh quietly. "I did the surgery for nothing" he frowns. "At least you didn't lose anything" I hug him tight as he pushes his face into my shoulder.

"Its okay" I rub his back slowly. "No, it's not" he sighs. I hug him for a while, until he eventually falls asleep in my arms.

If u saw the chapter that I updated by accident, no you did not. Okay? 🤺

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