chapter 10

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1 month later:
Me and derek are sat on the couch watching tv. I have my arms wrapped around him with my head resting on his shoulder.

An alarm goes off on his phone. "Cuddle time over!" He pushes me away. I groan.

I grab his face, kissing him. "No!" He yells. I climb onto his lap and keep kissing him playfully. "Stop! No! Help! Mommm! Mom!" He yells.

I giggle. "Whats wrong?" Carol walks in. "She's kissing me.. get her off.. off!" He yells. She chuckles. "Meredith get off of him.. jesus christ" she says.

I kiss him again. He pulls me off of him. I laugh, getting up. She chuckles, leaving the room. I grin at him. "Love you" I whisper teasingly, blowing a kiss at him. He squints.

"Ten more minutes cuddling" I say. "No!" He says. "Baabbbyy please" I whine. He shakes his head.

"Do you love me?" I ask. "Mostly" he says. "Then hug me!" I exclaim. "No" he says. I groan.

"I should go home" I sigh. "Bye" he says. I roll my eyes. I get up. "You're actually leaving?" He whines. I chuckle. "I won't then" I say. "Good" he says.

"Am I ever going to have sex in my teen years?" I ask. "Not if you stay with me" he says. "Derek I love you so much but I thought that us being in a relationship would include.. other things too" I say.

"I don't like physical contact" he says. "I know" I sigh. "Is there not something else we can do?" He asks. "Its fine.. all I want is you anyway.. this" I smile. He smiles.

"Do you want to go to the shop?" I ask. "No" he says. "Well I'm going, you want anything?" I ask. "A chocolate bar and a drink and some sweets and gum" he says. I hold my hand out. He passes me money.

Derek got a job a couple of weeks ago.. at the same place I work.. a grocery store. He's doing really well and I finally have someone to hang out with on my break.

"I'll be back in a bit" I say. "Okay" he says. I leave and go down the street to the shop to get a few things.

I walk in and see he's no longer on the couch. "Oh, you okay?" I walk over to him quick as I see him now in his chair using his asthma inhaler. "Mhm, just lost my breath getting back into my chair" he says.

"I'm okay now" he says. "Good" I say. I bend down to him, passing him the bag. "I got you chocolates, a drink, sweets and gum" I show him. "Thankyou" he says.

"Do I get a kiss for all this stuff?" I smile. He kisses me quickly. I grin. "Thankyou" I say. "You're welcome" he says. "You're so funny" I giggle, standing up. He frowns.

"Can you help me upstairs please?" He asks. "Of course I can" I say. I help him up and he goes to his desk.

"Go away please" he says. "Can I not just stay here?" I ask. "No" he says. I sit on his bed. He sighs. He starts writing in his journal.

"What are you writing?" I ask. "None of your business" he says. "Is it about me?" I ask. "Yes" he says. "What? Really?" I ask.

I get up. I grab it. "No! That's mine!" He tries to take it back. I start reading.

Meredith is so annoying. She never stops kissing me. Obvious attachment issues.

"You're not my therapist, asshole" I giggle. "Give me it back" he says. "No" I keep reading.

But she's cute. I think that if I were to ever have sex with someone it would definitely be her. What an absurd idea though. Sex. Oh, she's talking to me again. So annoying.

I giggle. "Derek!" I hit him. "What?" He asks. "I'm not annoying" I say. "Yes you are" he says. I roll my eyes.

I put my hands on his cheeks. "Would you really have sex with me?" I ask. "Don't be stupid" he says. I chuckle.

"I'm sorry for annoying you" I say. "You should be" he says. I roll my eyes.

"I'm gonna go" I say. "Good" he says. I hug him. "I'll see you tomorrow, I love you" I say. "Bye" he says. "What do you say?" I ask. "I love you" he mumbles. "And?" I ask. He kisses me quickly. "Bye" I smile, leaving.

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