chapter 25

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I walk out of the bathroom in my robe, the lacy lingerie underneath. "Meredith?" He asks. I sit on the bed next to him.

"Why are you upset?" He asks. "You're gonna hate it" my lip trembles.

I bought this as kinda a joke but honestly, I'm not a secure enough person for him to not like my body when I'm wearing such an intimate item of clothing.

"I won't hate it" he says. "Will you just.. close your eyes" I whisper. "Why?" He asks. "Please" I say. He closes his eyes. I hold his hands. I straddle his waist and put his hands on my waist. I take off the robe.

His hands explore my body. I smile as I feel him grow harder. "Can I open please?" He asks. "..yeah" I say.

He opens his eyes. They immediately turn dark. "Der? Do you.." I trail off. I put the robe back on. "No" he pulls it back off. I smile. He likes it?

He kisses me slowly. I put my hands on his neck, my thumbs resting under his jaw as we kiss.

I undo his trousers. I reach my hand down his boxers, squeezing his erection gently. His breathing gets heavier. I kiss him deeper.

I pull it out of his pants and start moving my hand up and down. He puts his hands on my waist. He looks down at my body.

I smile, biting my lip. I rest my chin on his head, grinning as I smell his hair whilst it brushes against my face.

He looks into my eyes. I smile, moving closer to kiss his neck. "Is this good?" I reach my spare hand up, grabbing his hair gently to keep his head to the side as I suck on his neck. "Yeah" he breathes.

I speed up. "No, too fast!" he says. I slow back down again, giggling. "Yeah?" I ask. He nods. He leans back against the headboard.

I look down at my hand moving. I smile, looking back at him as he groans. His head tilts back. His cum spills all over his stomach.

I keep going until he softens. He tries to catch his breath as I clean everything up for him. I do up his trousers and pull off his messy shirt, tossing it aside.

I sit next to him. "You okay?" I smile. "Mhm" he nods. I cuddle into him under the covers. "Derek" I play with the zipper on his trousers. "Yes?" He asks. "Do you ever do that.. by yourself?" I ask. "No" he says.

"Never?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Well.. what about when I send you pictures of myself.. does it not turn you on?" I ask. "I just wait.. or take a cold bath" he shrugs.

I kiss his jaw. "I do it alone" I say. "I know, you tell me about it.. constantly" he says. I giggle, grinning. "Most guys would love how open I am about it" I smirk. "I'm not most guys" he says. "I know" I smile, kissing his lips.

"But I do like the pictures" he plays with the lace on my lingerie, not looking into my eyes. I grin. I entwine our fingers. He looks at me. I smile brightly as he pushes his face into the crease of my neck.

"Der" I say. "Yes?" He pulls away. "Why don't you want to have sex with me?" I ask seriously. "Because I don't like people touching me that much" he says.

"Bullshit" I say. "Excuse me?" He asks. "I was just ontop of you giving you a hand job.. you always cuddle me now.. you're fucking lying" I say. "Meredith" he furrows his brows.

"Just tell me the real reason" I say. "I-" he stops, looking down. "You can tell me" I say. "But I'm embarrassed" he whispers. "You never have to be embarrassed infront of me sweetheart" I squeeze his hand.

"I-I just-" he keeps looking down. "Der?" I ask. "I do want to have sex with you.. but I'm afraid that you won't enjoy it as much as you should" he says. "What? Why?" I frown.

"Because I won't even be able to do much.. you'll have to go ontop and- I just don't want it to be like this" he whispers. I didn't know this. I honestly didn't even know derek ever felt this way.. about anything. Especially me.

"Der, I don't care about any of that.. I'd have an amazing time either way.. because its with you" I put my hands on his cheeks. He looks at me.

"If you do feel that way then I can wait as long as you need.. but it's definitely not a problem for me" I say. "Really?" He asks. I nod.

"Can this be a secret please?" He asks. "Yes" I entwine our pinkies. "Okay" he says.

"I don't want to talk about this again" he says. "Okay" I say. I look into his eyes. I kiss him softly.

"I love you" I grin, my nose brushing against his as I look into his eyes. "I love you too" he says. "I love you more" I hug him tight.

"Wait.. what about using tongue when kissing then? Is that because of-" I ask. "No, thats just disgusting" he says. I laugh. "You're the worst" I roll my eyes. "What?" He frowns. "I'm kidding" I smile, kissing him again. He smiles.

He lays down. I cuddle into him, closing my eyes. "You're not sleeping here" he says. "But der!" I whine. "You snore" he says. I frown.

"Please.. just give me one more chance" I say. "No" he says. "Please baby, please" I say. "...fine" he says. I grin. I cuddle into him, closing my eyes again.

"No" he pushes me away gently. "Over there" he says. I roll my eyes, staying to one side of the bed as he stays at the other. I soon fall asleep next to him, still happy that he let me sleep here.

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