chapter 30

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He's still asleep, basically ontop of me. I reach beside me and grab his phone. I smile, taking a picture of us.

I go to send it to myself but stop. I furrow my brows, reading a message from someone. I go through the messages in order.

Trent: hi man, how are you?
Me: good.
Trent: have you done the science homework?
Me: obviously.
Trent: can I get a copy?
Me: you're supposed to do it yourself.
Trent: fine, I'll just get it off of another friend then
Me: We're friends?
Trent: of course
Me: I'll give you the homework.
Trent: you're a life saver
Me: OK.

My blood boils. Nobody gets to use my boyfriend for homework answers.. apart from me. I continue reading.

Me: hi.
Trent: why are you texting me?
Me: I wanted to ask you something about class.
Trent: stop texting me
Me: but you said we were friends?
Trent: I'm not your friend weirdo I was using you for homework answers
Trent: like I'd be friends with you
Trent: freak

I very carefully move his head off of my chest and onto the pillow instead. I stand up. I leave the room.

Trent is a nerdy little boy. I'm even taller than him. I'll beat his ass for treating derek like that.

"Where are you going?" Carol asks. "I'll be back soon" I say. I walk to marks House and knock on the door. "Hi" he smiles.


"What the fuck" he says as I show him the messages. "Is he okay?" He asks. "I think so now" I say. "Do you know where trent lives?" I ask. "Yep" he grabs his coat. We leave.


As soon as trent opens the front door of his house, mark grabs him by the collar of his shirt and pulls him down the street to somewhere his family inside the house won't be able to hear him.

Derek is so cold on the outside sometimes. He doesn't like showing emotions but on the inside, he's fragile and caring and honestly the best guy I've ever met once you get to know him.

It breaks my heart that trent hurt his feelings like that. He finally thought he was making a friend and he just turned out to be a massive asshole. I'll make him pay for that.

Mark punches him and punches him until he's on the floor bleeding. "What did I do?" Trent sobs. "You used my boyfriend, you stupid asshole!" I kick him.

"Who, derek?" He asks. I look at him. "How did he get you?" He asks. "Mark" I say. Mark pulls him off of the floor.

"You're gonna apologise to him, okay? You're gonna tell him that it was just a joke and you were messing with him.. if he wants to be your friend then you'll be the friendliest person in the entire fucking world.. do you understand?" Mark says. He nods fast.

"Tell anyone about this and it'll be worse next time" he let's go of him. We leave. Mark drops me off at Derek's house.

"Thankyou for coming with me" I say. "He's my friend too" he smiles. "You're a good friend" I say. I get out of the car and go inside. 

I go straight upstairs. I take off my clothes and put on one of his shirts. I climb into bed next to him. "Meredith?" He mumbles, cuddling into my chest. "I'm here" I hug him. "Mhm" he wraps his arms around me tiredly, falling back asleep.

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