chapter 54

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Me and derek are in bed cuddling. There's a knock on the door. "What do you want?" He asks. Carolyn walks in.

"Do you wanna go to school today, sweetheart?" She asks. He shakes his head. He has pe today. He hasn't been to a pe lesson in two weeks now.

"Derek, you need to go eventually" she sighs. I feel his body tense up slightly and his nails dig into my hips as he holds onto me tighter. "He doesn't want to" I hug him tighter. His body relaxes slightly.

"Its okay" I whisper, kissing his head. She leaves. He snuggles into me. He's laid between my legs. Derek's become a really really touchy person recently.. but only ever with me. He's always clinging onto me. I love it.

"She's right, you know.. baby?" I whisper. "I don't want to do pe.. I'll go in every other day, but not days I do pe" he says. I frown slightly.

"Would you feel more comfortable if I were in your gym class?" I ask. "..I don't know" he says quietly. "Derek, I'd never ever let anyone make you do anything you don't want to or pressure you.. I promise" I look into his eyes. "Okay" he whispers.

He rests his head on my chest again. "I love you" he says. "I love you too" I smile.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" He very gently pulls away from me. "Yeah babe, sorry" I chuckle, letting go of him. He goes.

I get out of bed and go downstairs. "Meredith" Carolyn says. "Yeah?" I sit next to her on the couch. "Honey, I know you like to look out for derek.. but he needs to start doing pe again and you can't just defend everything he does" she says.

"I know, I'm sorry.. I can't help it though! He's just the sweetest and he doesn't deserve to be forced into it if he doesn't want" I say.

"Meredith" she sighs. "He's my boyfriend and my best friend and I'll always defend him.. I'm sorry" I get up and walk away.

"He der" I smile as I see him walk into the kitchen. "Is my mom mad?" He asks. "Don't worry about it darling" I smile small.

"Come here" I smile, holding my arms out. He walks towards me. I hug his neck and kiss his lips softly.

"Mer, can I play on my playstation whilst you're reading your book upstairs?" He asks. He asks me for permission for everything.

When we were younger, he'd always need my permission to do something more than he needed his moms. If he wanted a new toy, he'd ask me. If he wanted to eat something, he'd ask me. I always found it a bit weird, but I like it. It's like he trusts me. 

Flashback (they're both 7):
"Meredith" Derek pushes himself into the living room. I'm sat with his mom and dad. "Yes?" I look at him. "Can I play with this, or no?" He holds up one of his trains.

"Not yet Honey" his mom says. "Okay.. for ten minutes only" I say. He leaves the room to play with it. His mom glares at me. "Dewek can do what he wants" I get up and follow him.

I hug his neck from behind. "Get off please" he says. "No" I say. "Okay" he goes back to playing.

"Can I dwink water please?" He reaches up to the counter. "No, only milk" I hand him a glass of it. He frowns but drinks it. I grin.

"I'm just kidding dewek, you can drink water" I giggle, handing it to him. He smiles, drinking it.

Flashback over:
"Yeah babe, you can.. but only for a little while" I say. "How long?" He asks. "I'll see" I say. "Okay" he smiles happily.

"You can go up, I'm gonna grab some snacks" I say. "Okay" he goes. I grab a few snacks and go up to his room.

I smile as I see he's sat on the edge of the bed, playing his games. I sit behind him on the bed and stroke his back gently. He looks back and smiles at me. He's shirtless. Derek secretly loves back tickles.

"Do you want to cuddle?" He moves further onto the bed. "Can I play with you?" I drape my legs over his thighs and hug his waist. "No" he says. "Okay" I rub his back again.

"Can you stop please?" He asks as I run my fingers through his hair. "No" I say. "Okay" he says.

My phone starts ringing. "Hi cris" I smile. Its facetime. "Hi, what you doing?" She asks. "Just hanging at Derek's.. look at my handsome boy" I hug him, showing her. He just ignores me as I kiss his cheek.

"Why aren't you at school?" She asks. "Derek didn't want to go, and I wanted to stay with him" I say. She rolls her eyes.

"Meredith, come to school!" She whines. "No! I'd rather stay at home and cuddle with my boyfriend all day in bed" I giggle.

"You should go, you're annoying me" he says. "Okay, no more playstation for you" I take the controller off of him. He whines, laying back on the bed. Cristina laughs at him.

He grabs the controller back off of me. "Hey!" I look at him. He frowns, handing it back. "Good boy, go and read instead" I say. "No, I'm going downstairs!" He walks away. I roll my eyes but grin. I talk to Cristina for a bit longer.

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