chapter 50

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I wake up next to meredith in bed. I smile brightly at her. "Good morning handsome!" She kisses me. "Morning mer" I put my hand on her cheek and kiss her again.

We were going to have sex last night, but we got interrupted before I could even pull off her shirt. We just went to sleep.

I scan her body. She's wearing one of my shirts that she stole.. without my permission..again. I'm in my boxers.

"Do you want me to make you breakfast?" She asks. I shake my head. "No thank you" I say. She smiles brightly as I climb between her legs.

"Derek" she bites her lip as I start kissing her neck. "You look beautiful, mer" I look into her eyes. She kisses my lips.

I sigh in pleasure against her lips as we makeout. I run my hand up the shirt she has on. I smile against her lips as I realise she's not wearing panties.

"Do you wanna go and lock the door? I'm going to freshen up, okay?" She asks. "Okay" I get up. She goes to my bathroom as I lock my bedroom door.

Merediths pov:
I smile, looking at myself in the mirror. I pull off his shirt I'm wearing and look at my naked body. I reach into the drawer and grab a condom before going back into the bedroom.

He smiles, walking towards me. He scans my naked body before kissing me passionately. I moan against his lips as he grabs my waist gently and very carefully pushes me up against the bathroom door.

"Derek" I moan against his lips. I grab his hair in my fists as our tongues fight. I run my hands down his body. I tug on his boxers gently. I pull away from his lips slowly so I can pull them down.

"Do you want the lights on or off?" I ask quietly. "On please, I need to see what I'm doing" he says. "So.. me?" I grin. He holds my hand and pulls me to the bed.

"Sweetheart, you're shaking" I sigh, sitting on the bed infront of him. I hold his hands in mine. He looks down at me. "I want you to enjoy it" he says. "I will" I smile.

I climb further back onto the bed and lay my head onto the pillow as he slowly crawls ontop of me. I smile as we look into eachothers eyes.

"Babe, you need to relax" I stroke his back gently. "I can't" he says. "You're not going to enjoy it if you don't relax" I whisper. He sighs.

I kiss him. We start making out agsin. He adjusts himself slightly, obviously uncomfortable. "You can rest on me baby, it's okay" I put my hand on his thigh. He puts some of his weight onto me. "Is this okay?" He asks. "Of course" I giggle softly.

"If you want to stop at any time then we can, darling.. if your legs feel too weak then stop" I say. "I don't wanna stop" he frowns. I chuckle. "If its too much for you, then I can get ontop instead" I say. "Okay" he smiles.

I kiss him again. "You want me to?" I rip open the condom with my teeth. He nods. I reach down. "Fuck" I sigh. "What's wrong?" He asks, looking down.

"I got the wrong size.. I'm so sorry, I just picked up the first ones I saw" I say. He rolls off of me. I show him the box. "Extra small!?" He yells. I burst out laughing.

"I'm so sorry der, I really didn't mean to" I cover my mouth with my hand, trying to stop. "Stop laughing" he whines, throwing the box of condoms onto the floor.

"Don't be mad" I hug his waist. "I'm not" he hugs me back. He kisses my head. I pull away slowly and smile at him.

He has become almost a totally different person since he started walking. I love him either way, but right now I've never felt so safe in someone's arms before.

"Do you want to wait until after our date?" He asks. I nod. "We can buy some new condoms on the way back" I say. "Okay" he says.

"I'm going to take a bath" he gets up. "We can shower together if you want" I say. "My legs are really aching" he says. "Oh, okay.. sit down der, I'll run it for you then" I say. He sits down.

I go into the bathroom and run him a bath. "Ahh!" I hear him yell. "Babe, what's wrong?" I run in. "There's a spider! Mer look!" He points at the floor. "Its okay" I chuckle. I pick it up and put it outside the window.

"You're so brave" he says. I giggle. "Don't touch me! You have spider germs on your hand" he says as I walk over to him. I wipe my hand on his face. He yells at me, making me laugh.

"Come on der" I hold his hand. He frowns. "Babe, come on" I sigh. "I'm sorry, okay?" I kiss his cheek. He follows me to the bathroom.

"Can I join you?" I ask. He nods. We both get in the bath. He hugs me from behind as I sit between his legs.

I look back at him, just watching him. He smiles at me. "You seem so much happier" I whisper. "I am" he whispers. "I'm happy you're happy" I kiss him. "Why?" He asks.

"Because you're my boyfriend.. I love it when you're happy" I chuckle. "Okay" he says. "Do you not like it when you know I'm happy?" I ask. "I don't care, honestly.. unless it's got something to do with sex" he says. I roll my eyes. 

"Don't be an ass, der" I cuddle into him. "Sorry, was that rude?" He asks. I nod. "I didn't mean to" he says. "I know, it's okay" I say. I rest my head on his chest and close my eyes.

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