chapter 59

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Me and derek are in bed. I'm watching TV and he's asleep with his head resting on my lap. I smile, stroking his hair gently. I giggle softly as he starts snoring.

I grab my phone and take a picture of him. I decide to post it online, because I think he looks cute.

'I'm so proud of my boyfriend. Look at how perfect he is. This time last year, he wasn't able to walk at all and soon its his 18th birthday and he's out of his chair. I love you derek' I caption it.

He moves a bit, so I look down. He opens his eyes slowly. "Hey baby" I stroke his cheek with my thumb. He smiles brightly as soon as he sees me. "I had a dream about you" he says. "You did?" I grin as he sits up slowly. He nods.

"I had a dream that we were getting married" he says. "Der, that's so sweet" I hug him. He hugs me back. He puts his hand on my cheek and kisses me.

"Mer!" He whines as he sees my phones new lockscreen, which is the picture I just took of him sleeping. "Baby, you look so cute" I show him. He sighs.

"Don't be mad" I kiss his cheek. "I'm not" he squeezes me gently. I smile. "I love you so much" I say. "I love you too" he kisses me.

The next day:
I'm sat in bed in my room when the door opens and derek walks in. "Hi sweetie, what are you doing here?" I smile brightly. "I'm really angry" he frowns, climbing into bed with me. Great...

"What are you angry about, babe?" I hug his waist. "Mark made fun of me today because of the picture you posted of me yesterday without my permission, whilst I was sleep" he says. "I'm sure he was only joking" I chuckle.

"I'm angry" he says. "At me.. or mark?" I ask. "Mark" he says. "Good" I let out a small sigh of relief. He smiles slightly as I kiss his cheek.

He turns his face to me and kisses my lips. "What was he saying to you?" I ask. "He was calling me a baby" he says. "You're my baby" I kiss his lips again. He smiles at me. "But I'm not a baby though" he says. "He was just teasing" I say.

"It made me sad" he says. "Babe" I stroke his cheek with my thumb. He frowns. I kiss him deeply. "Can I have cuddles?" I ask. He nods. I wrap my arms around his neck. He climbs on top of me and lays between my legs with his head on my chest. I grab my phone and text mark.

Me: you upset Derek
Marky mark: because I called him a baby?
Me: yes
Marky mark: I didn't mean to
Me: just say sorry to him
Marky mark: okay. I'll text him
Me: thanks

Dereks phone buzzes. He sits up and grabs it. He smiles at he reads the message. I smile too. "Mark apologised" he looks at me. "That's good" I say. He nods in agreement. He kisses me softly and puts his phone down before climbing back into my arms as i lay back down.

"Can we have sex before bed?" He asks. "Are you sleeping here, baby?" I smile. He nods. "Yay" I squeeze him. He smiles at me.

"Sex?" He asks again. "I'm on my period" I say. He whines dramatically. I giggle. "Come here, we can have a bit of fun still" I kiss him. He grins against my lips happily. I run my hand down his pants slowly.

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