chapter 19

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I walk into my house. I smile as I see derek laid on the couch In the living room under his quilt. My mom passes him a bottle of water.

"Hi sweetheart, I heard you were ill" I walk over to him. I sit infront of him on the floor. I kiss his cheek softly.

"Why didn't you come back to look after me?" He sniffles. "Because I needed to go to school" I say. "My mom dropped me off here because her and my dad are at work" he says.

"He's been a pain in the ass all day.. and your mom's only just got home, so I was the one having to look after him" my dad says. I chuckle as derek makes a face.

"You are a bit of a drama queen, aren't you?" I stroke his hair gently. He shakes his head. I chuckle.

"Well it's okay, I'm here to look after you now" I grin. "Good" he says. "Would you like to go upstairs? I can make my bed for you" I ask. He nods. "Its already made" my mom says coming downstairs. "Oh okay" I say.

We go upstairs. I help him into my bed. "Do you feel like you're gonna throw up?" I ask. He obviously can't get to the toilet in time so I'd have to get him a bucket. "Maybe" he says. I go and get one and put it next to the bed.

"Do you want cuddles?" I ask, giving him the hot water bottle. "No" he says. "Well you're getting them anyway" I lay next to him, hugging him. He rolls his eyes.

I put my hand on his cheek, looking into his eyes. I kiss him softly. "You want anything to eat?" I ask. "No thank you" he says.

"You want to watch TV? I'm sure I can find you another documentary you'd like" I grab the remote. "Okay" he says. I smile as he rests his head on my shoulder. I stroke his hair gently as we watch the tv.

He coughs. I rub his chest gently. His phone rings. He picks it up. "Hello" he says. "Oh, hi. Yes I'm ill" he says. "Who is it?" I whisper. He ignores me.

"Yes you can if you'd like" he says. "Okay bye" he hangs up. "Its addison.. she's coming over to drop me off some soup because I'm ill" he says. "Oh, that's great" I say, rolling my eyes.

"I know.. she's amazing, I like her" he says. "Ow! You're hurting me!" He yells as I unconsciously squeeze his hand. "I'm sorry der" I pull away.

He hits my leg. "Ow! Derek" I laugh, looking at him shocked. He glares at me. "I said I'm sorry" I mumble.

"Did you talk to cristina?" He asks. "Yes.. I'm not talking to her anymore, and you can't either" I say.

"But she's my friend" he furrows his brows. "And I'm your girlfriend.. if someones mean to me then you can't be nice to them" I say. "Okay" he says.

There's a knock on the door. "Come in" he says. Addison walks in. "Hi" she smiles at us both. We say hi. She passes him a container. "Thankyou" he puts it aside.

"How are you feeling?" She asks. "Terrible.. she's so annoying" he looks at me. "Oh my god" I say. She laughs. I chuckle. 

"Addison if your boyfriend told you to not be friends with someone, would you listen?" He asks. "Um" she looks at me. "It depends on the circumstances" she says.

"She spread merediths naked pictures" he says. "Derek!" I hit his arm. "Oh, yeah.. you definitely shouldn't talk to her again" she says.

"Okay.. thanks" he says. "I'll see you tomorrow derek, I'm gonna go and talk to your sister" she hugs him. She gets up. "Bye" he says. She leaves.

"Since when do you get advice from Addison?" I ask. "She gives good advice" he says. I roll my eyes.

"I'm going downstairs" I grab my phone and leave the room. My phone rings. I groan. "What do you want?" I ask. "Who's supposed to look after me now?" He asks. "Der I'm literally downstairs" I say. He sighs.

"Mer this hot water bottle is cold" he says. I groan, hanging up. I go upstairs with a new hot water bottle. I pass it to him. He smiles, putting it on his lap.

"No!" He says ad I go to leave. I look at him. "Stay here" he mumbles, patting next to him. "Apologize" I say. "For what?" He asks. "Flirting with addison infront of my face!" I yell.

"Are you insane?" He asks. "I don't even flirt with you.. why would I flirt with her?" He says. I roll my eyes, sitting next to him.

I push my face into his shoulder. "What is wrong with you?" He asks. "She's gonna steal you from me.. and I want you" I whine dramatically.

"You're so weird" he says. I giggle. I pull away. "Derek, I'm your girlfriend.. you have to like me more than any other girl" I say.

"Here honey" Carolyn walks in and puts a plate of cookies infront of us. He looks at her. "No, I like my mom much more than you" he says.

"What?" Carol asks. "I like you more than meredith" he says. "I didn't mean your mom" I roll my eyes. She chuckles. "But my mom is a girl" he says. "Teenage girls! I meant teenagers" I say. "Oh, okay" he says.

Carol leaves. I kiss him softly. He sneezes in my face. "Derek!" I yell. "I'm sorry.. don't move close to me when I'm ill, idiot" he says. I groan.

He lays down. "I'm going to sleep.. go away" he says, closing his eyes. I lean down and kiss his cheek. "Shout me if you need anything" I tuck him in. He closes his eyes slowly. I leave and shut my room door behind myself before going downstairs.

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