chapter 32

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I walk into Derek's house. "Hi" I say. "Hello" he says. "I didn't know you were coming round today?" Carol says. "I'm having a bad day" I say.

"Oh, what happened?" She asks. "Just an argument with my parents.. I thought der could cheer me up" I say.

He's sat on the couch. "Come" he says. I walk over and sit next to him. He wraps his arm around me. I hug his waist.

His mom leaves the room. I kiss him softly. "Its good to see you" I say. He kisses me harder. I smile against his lips, grabbing his hair in my hand.

"Derek, what are you doing?" I giggle as he runs his hand up my shirt. "You said you wanted more spontaneous sex stuff" he says. "Not with your mom in the next room" I giggle. He sighs.

"Do you want to go upstairs?" I smile. "No" he says. "I'd do it here but you're gonna get into trouble" I chuckle. "Fine" he says. I grin.

I kiss his cheek before getting up. "I'm going to the bathroom" I say. "Okay" he let's go of my hand. I walk away.

Derek's pov:
My mom walks back into the living room. I smile at her. She sits next to me. "Honey, do you remember what tomorrow is?" She asks. I shrug.

"Merediths birthday" she says. "Oh, I know that" I roll my eyes. "Did you get her a present? Do you need money? I can help you look for something" she asks.

"I have a present for her already" I say. "Oh? What is it?" She asks. "I'm not telling you.. its a secret" I say.

"What's a secret?" Meredith walks in. "I can't tell you because it's a secret" I say. She giggles. "You're not gonna tell me?" She raises her brow. I shake my head.

I hold my arms open. She climbs onto my lap, hugging my waist. "Tell me" she says. "No" I say. "Yes" she says. "No" I say. "Yes" she says. My mom chuckles, walking away.

"I will hurt you" she straddles me instead. "No!" I say. She pinches my side. "No!" I try to pull her hands away. She giggles, doing it again.

"Just tell me" she wraps her arms around my neck. I shake my head. She kisses me softly. "Tell me" she mumbles against my lips. "No" I chuckle. She whines, pulling away. I smile. Its fun annoying her.

"I'll do anything" she says. "You're very nosy" I say. She sighs. "Fine, don't tell me" she says. "Will you leave me alone?" I ask. She nods.

"I'm gonna go to the shop in a bit.. do you want anything?" She asks. "I wanna come with you" I say. "Alright" she says.

She stands up. I pull myself back into my wheelchair. "You ready baby?" She grabs her purse. I nod. We leave to go to the shop down the road.

She's stood infront of me in the shop, looking at all the snacks. I put my hand on the back of her thigh. "Hurry up" I pinch her ass. She giggles, looking at me shocked. I grin.

She's wearing biker shorts. It makes it basically impossible not to touch her butt every five seconds. "Hold these" she puts a bunch of snacks on my lap. I sigh.

She passes me two drinks aswell. We go to the counter and pay. We go home and go upstairs to sit in bed. She eats all of her snacks, sharing a few with me. I let her sleep with me in my bed tonight.

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