chapter 11

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I haven't seen meredith all day today. I don't know where she is. I go to the living room. "Where's meredith?" I ask. "She's at her own house honey" my mom chuckles. I pick up my phone.

Me: where are you?
Meredith: I have some friends over
Me: I miss you
Meredith: I miss you too der
Me: come over
Meredith: I can't
Me: I'll have sex with you

She doesn't reply again. I shrug, putting my phone down. A few minutes later someone bursts through the door.

I grin as I see meredith. "Hello" I say. "Will you really?" She asks. "No" I say. "God damn it derek!" She whines. I laugh at her.

"I hate you" she glares at me. "Okay, I've seen you.. you can go now" I say. "You just wanted to see me?" She asks. "Yes.. just to say hi.. hi" I say. She takes a deep breath before leaving.

My mom laughs. "You're gonna get broken up with so fast" she says. I furrow my brows.

"meredith! Meredith! Meerreeedddiiittthhh!" I yell. She walks back in. "What's wrong?" She asks. "Can you drive me to work tomorrow?" I ask. "I was going to anyway" she says.

"Come here" I say. She walks over. I hold her hand, pulling her down. I kiss her. She smiles hugely. "What was that for?" She asks. "Goodbye kiss" I say.

"I'll see you tomorrow der" she says. "Okay" I say. "Bye" she says. "Bye.. I love you" I say. "Oh, I love you too" she kisses my head before leaving.

"And thats exactly why I'm not going to get broken up with" I glare at my mom. She laughs. "You're unbelievable" she says. "I know" I grin. She chuckles, shaking her head.

I go to the couch and climb onto it next to her. "You okay baby?" She strokes my hair back gently. I nod.

"Do you think me and meredith will last long?" I ask. "I hope so.. I know she definitely loves you a lot" she says.

"Did you know she had romantic feelings for me?" I ask. "Yes, everyone knew" she chuckles. "I didn't" I say. "Well that's okay, we know you don't really pick up on things like that" she says.

"I wish I did.. I don't understand why she didn't tell me" I say. "Honey, sometimes you're too fragile to know some things.. remember when I told you that we were getting a dog when you were younger?" She says.

"Thank god that stupid thing got run over" I say. "She probably just didn't want you to overreact and not want to be her friend anymore or something" she says. I roll my eyes.

"Meredith! Meredithhhh!" I yell. "Oh my god stop doing that!" My mom says. "She'll be on the porch still.. shes probably waiting for me to beg her to stay" I say. She walks in. "Told you" I say. My mom chuckles.

"Yeah?" She asks. "Stay here" I say. "Only if you give me.. 10 minutes more cuddle time than usual" she says. I roll my eyes. "Fine" I say. "Okay" she giggles happily, walking over to me.

"Meredith.. what is this?" I show her my phone. She sits on my lap, wrapping her arms loosely around my neck.

8am yesterday:

(Just pretend it looks like her lmao)

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(Just pretend it looks like her lmao)

"Its the picture I sent you yesterday" she says. "But why?" I ask. "I thought you'd like it" she whispers. "Why?" I ask. "Oh my god" she says.

"What do you think about it?" She asks. "You look pretty" I say. "Thankyou" she smiles.

"These pictures are secret though remember.. you can't ever show anyone, okay?" She says. "Secret photos" i nod. She locks our pinkies together.

"Do I have to send you pictures like that?" I ask. "No" she smiles. "Good" I say. "But you can if you want to" she says. "Do you want me to?" I ask. "I'd love a folder in my phone just of your sexy body" she smirks, running her hand down my stomach.

"No touching" I pull her hand away. She chuckles. "I'm sorry" she says. "You should be" I say. She rolls her eyes.

"Listen der, I was thinking" she says. "What?" I ask. "Can we maybe talk on the phone tonight?" She asks. "About what?" I ask. "..something dirty" she whispers. "Like a public pool?" I ask. She giggles.

"She wants to have phone sex with you dude" someone says. "What the hell" I look at the couch. "Mark! Oh my god!" Meredith runs and hugs him.

"How did get in here?" I ask. "Your mom snuck me in to suprise you" he says.

Mark and meredith were both in my friend group when we were little. Mark joined after but I do like him.. not as much as meredith though.

"Do you really want to have phone sex? What is that? You put it up your-" I ask. "No! Derek!" She giggles hysterically. Mark chuckles.

"Damn it I have to go.. I have lunch with my mom.. Mark text me and we'll all hang out soon and derek call me tonight so I can explain it to you" she chuckles, kissing my cheek. "I'll talk to him" Mark says.

"Great.. um, talk to him about how to use tongue whilst kissing aswell" she says. I make a face. She giggles. "I love you" she kisses my lips. "I love you too" I say. She leaves.

I go over to mark and he tells me a few things about girls. This is the worst conversation I've ever had in my life.

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