chapter 37

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"Nooo!" Derek yells at the tv. He's watching his first game of football. "Baby, our team is winning" I chuckle. "Oh" he says. I giggle.

"Meredith sit here" he pats his lap. We're with mark and izzie. They started dating about two months ago. He's trying to impress Mark, so Mark will take him to a football game with him.

He wants to go just for the experience. Derek is trying to do more 'guy things' lately for some reason. He spanked me in bed the other day. I got so angry.

"Tell me what to yell" he whispers in my ear as I sit on his lap. "Okay" I chuckle, hugging his neck.

"Just ask him if you can go with him der, I'm sure he'd love to" I whisper. He shakes his head.

"Mark.. derek wants to go to a football game with you" I say. "Really?" He asks shocked. Derek nods. "Of course you can come.. I'll get you a ticket to the next one" he says. Derek smiles.

I smile at him. "I'll send you the money" I grab my phone. "No, its on me" Mark smiles. "Thank you" Derek says. "No problem" he says.

"Mark, your advice is horrible.. when I slapped meredith, she yelled at me and slapped me back" he says. I sigh. "You told him to spank her?" Izzie hits Mark. He shrugs.

"You like it" he says. She blushes hard. I chuckle. "I would like it, derek.. I just wasn't expecting it and I didn't think it would be your thing" I explain. He shrugs.

"Meredith, Mark also said-" he looks at me. "We can talk about it later baby.. in private" I kiss him softly. He sighs. I smile.

I sit next to him instead of on his lap. "Mark, stop giving him advice.. your advice sucks" I look at him. "You should appreciate my advice" he says.

"I appreciate some of the advice, but you're telling him stuff that I don't even think he feels comfortable doing" I say.

"When has derek ever done anything he didn't want to?" Mark chuckles. "When merediths around" Derek says. I glare at him. He smiles. I giggle.

I climb onto his lap. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to" I kiss him. "Oh good" he pushes me off of him. Izzie and Mark laugh. "Derek" I hit him.

"I'm only joking" he pulls me back. I giggle. "You're an ass" I grin. "I'm funny" he says. I chuckle. "Mhm, hilarious baby" I kiss him.

Izzie and Mark leave a little while later. Me and derek put on a movie and I cuddle up next to him on the couch. "Meredith" he says. "Mhm?" I hum.

"I want a bath" he says. "I can run you one" I stand up. "Thank you" he says. I go upstairs and run him a bath. I go back down.

"Its running babe, come up" I say. He follows me back upstairs. I pull off his clothes and help him into the tub. He used to put trunks on before a bath. I told him not to.

He gets himself comfortable. "Do you want me to give you privacy?" I ask. He shakes his head. I grab a stool and sit next to the tub. He holds my hand, smiling at me as I stroke his hair back with my spare hand.

I kiss him softly. He splashes me with water. "Derek" I gasp. He chuckles. "You're an ass" I stand up, pulling off my wet shirt.

He sits up slightly, looking at me. "Come here meredith" he says. "No" I say. "Please" he says. I smile, undoing my trousers. I pull them down.

"You want me?" I smile wider. He nods enthusiastically. I pull down my panties and toss my bra aside. I climb into the bath with him and straddle his lap. I giggle, putting my hands on his waist.

He grabs my face, kissing me passionately. "Tell me when you're about to finish, derek.. okay?" I mumble against his lips. "Why?" He asks. "Because I'll need to pull myself off of you" I say.

"Why?" He asks. "Do you want me to have sex with you?" I ask. He nods. "Then shut up" I say. "Okay" he sighs dramatically. I smile as his head tilts back and he closes his eyes.

I lean down to him and kiss his neck. I put my hand on his chest, feeling his heart rate increase as I slowly grind against him.

I pick myself up. He groans quietly, opening his eyes and looking at me as I slide myself onto him. We fuck, probably harder than we ever have in the tub.

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