chapter 55

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Derek's pov:
I'm at home, with my parents and my sisters. We're all sat in the living room. "I miss meredith" I break the silence. My mom sighs. I grab my phone and text her again.

Me: hello meredith.
Me: I miss you a lot.
Me: can you come over to my house please?
Me: I want to see you. Please.
meredith grey: I'm at work baby. I promise I'll be over in a little while.
Me: now.
Meredith grey: I love you
Me: I love you too
Me: are you having fun at work?
Meredith grey: not really. It's work.
Me: I want a job.
Meredith grey: I'll help you find one
Me: are you coming home yet?
Meredith grey: derek! Not yet!
Me: I hate you

Half an hour later, the door opens and she walks in. "Hi derek" she giggles as I rush over to her and hug her. "Mhm, I missed you" she sighs, hugging my neck. She stands on her tiptoes.

Merediths pov:
"Do you want to go on a drive with me to the shop?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Well, I'm going.. I just came to see if you wanted to come with me" I open the door again. "I'll come!" He follows me outside. I grin. I knew he would.

We get in the car and I drive us to the shop. "What are we getting?" He asks, following closely behind me as I shop. "Just food for later" I reach back and hold his hand, so I don't lose him.

I stop to look at something. I smile as he wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek. I turn my head and kiss his lips softly.

"What do you want?" I point at the snacks. He grabs a bunch of stuff. This guy totally thinks I'm rich or something. He puts it in the basket. "Shall I carry it?" He asks. I hand it to him and smile. "Thanks baby" I say.

He holds my hand again. We continue shopping. I get us frozen pizza and chips for tonight. We go home.

"Derek, can I ask you something?" I sit next to him on the couch. "No thanks" he says. "Derek" his mom chuckles. He rolls his eyes. "Fine" he looks at me.

"How long have you liked me?" I ask. "Since I met you obviously" he rolls his eyes. "No, I mean romantically" I say. "Since we started dating" he says. "You didn't like me before that?" I ask quietly.

He looks at me and frowns. "Maybe" he says. "I liked you" I say. "For how long?" He asks. "I don't know.. I think a while" I say.

"Meredith, how do you know the difference between friend feelings and romantic feelings?" He asks. "Do you want to kiss me?" I look at him. He nods. "Do you want to kiss mark?" I ask. He shakes his head. I smile at him. "Oh" he says.

"Sometimes I wanna kiss Jennifer Aniston" he says. I giggle. The only comedy I've ever successfully convinced derek to watch is friends. He loves it. "Who more?" I lean in slowly. "You" he says. I kiss him softly.

"Why are you asking me stupid questions?" He asks. "I'm just wondering" I giggle.

"Can we go and cuddle in bed?" I hug his neck. "No" he says. "Please" I kiss his cheek. "No" he says again. I sigh.

"Can you help me cook?" I ask. "No" he says. "Please" I say. "No" he says. "Derek" I say. "I don't know how" he says. "Yes you do" I giggle. "I don't want to" he says. "Come on" I stand up. He just follows me around, hugging me from behind as I cook the food.

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