chapter 48

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I'm in class, writing. Derek isn't in school today because he's at his physical therapy appointment. We've not actually seen eachother all week because we've both been so busy. I just started my new job.

I smile as my phone buzzes and his name pops up. I grab my phone and grin as I read the messages.

My hubby🦽: hi meredith.
Me: hi baby
My hubby🦽: 🍆🍑💦
Me: what does that mean, der???
My hubby🦽: can we meet up after school to have sex?
Me: just to have sex?
My hubby🦽: no, I miss you too. I would like to hang out.
Me: I miss you too
My hubby🦽: can we meet at yours? We're going to have guests over.
Me: my grandma is staying over...
My hubby🦽: should we do it in your car?
Me: no, der! 😂
My hubby🦽: maybe we could go to the park then? And maybe have sex in a private area if we're lucky.
Me: okay, bye baby. I love you. I'll see you at 4 at the park!! 🤍
My hubby🦽: bye.


I smile as I see derek sat on a blanket on the grass at the park, his wheelchair to the side of him. He's got a bag full of food and some drinks.

"Hi baby" I sit next to him. "Hi meredith!" He hugs me. "Aw, der" I smile brightly, hugging him back.

"Did you miss me?" I pull away from him slowly. He nods. I smile wider. "I missed you too" I kiss him.

"Can I show you something?" He asks. "Of course" I say. "Help me into my chair" he says. I do.

"Watch" he says. I stay sat on the blanket, watching him. I gasp quietly as he slowly stands up, all by himself. He sits on the floor next to me, not being able to hold himself up any longer.

"Derek, you're amazing! You're doing so so good" I hug him. He smiles brightly. I kiss his cheek. "I'm so proud of you" I look into his eyes. He kisses me passionately.

I try to catch my breath as he pulls away slowly after a couple of minutes of kissing.

"Can you tell me what you've been doing this week?" He puts his hand on my thigh, looking at me. I smile, nodding. He listens to me intently as I speak.

I think he got bored, because now he's just slowly kissing my neck as his hand tries to find its way into my trousers. I giggle. I gave up trying to tell him my story about thirty seconds ago, now I'm focusing on something else.

I help him by undoing my trousers. I giggle, moaning softly as his fingers immediately find their way to my clit. I look around at the very empty park before kissing his lips passionately.

"Can you come here? I need you closer.. I need your body" I whisper. He moves closer to me. I start touching him at the same time, undoing his trousers.

"God!" I moan against his lips. I pull away from him. He pulls away from me. I stand up, not bothering to do up my trousers.

"Do you have a condom?" I kneel down next to him. He shakes his head. I groan. "I'm sorry" he says. "Its okay, come here" I grab his arms. I help him into his chair.

We go to a secluded area behind some bushes, and I climb straight ontop of him and ride his dick until we both cum.

I love doing things like this with derek. Having sex in public is so fun, and normally he wouldn't be able to. It's not like he can just pin me up against a wall and fuck me. It's difficult, but I'm glad we can find a way for us to still do it. It makes him happy... and feel normal.

We go back to the blanket and get back on it. He lays down. I lay next to him, resting my head on his arm. "I love you" I put my hand on his chest. "I love you" he kisses my head. I smile.

"You smell" I grin. "You smell" he says. I giggle. He sits up slowly, pulling me up with him gently.

He pulls me between his legs. I hug his waist. He wraps his arms around me. "Meredith" he says. "Yeah?" I ask. "Are you hungry?" He asks. I nod.

"I made all of these myself" he smiles, showing me all of the sandwiches. "Why so many?" I giggle. "I don't know" he says. I chuckle.

We eat some of the food whilst he tells me about what he's been up to this week.

I'm now straddling his thighs, kissing him. "Derek, no" I giggle, moving back slightly as I feel him grow harder. "I can't help it, it's the friction from my jeans" he says.

I move away again. "Stop.. can we just keep kissing?" He pulls me closer. "Okay" I smile. I kiss him.

"Derek!" I giggle as he uses his legs to lift me up slightly, bending his knees so I fall forwards, into him. He smiles. "I will never ever get used to the fact that you can do that" I chuckle. "Me either" he says.

He unbends his knees, so I can sit down properly again. "I can give you piggyback rides when I can walk" he says. "You'll be carrying me everywhere" I say. He shakes his head. I nod.

A couple of hours later, I order derek a taxi home and help him get into it. He leaves and I walk home alone.

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