chapter 43

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We're in the hospital. There's 2 hours to go until Derek's surgery. He's sat in the hospital bed. He has his own room and all of his family is here with him.

I'm sat beside him. He's cuddling me. "Mer, you want a coffee?" Christopher holds it out to me. "No thanks, I'm enjoying my derek cuddles" I grin, kissing his head.

He pulls away from me a few minutes later. "When is everyone going to leave? You're annoying me" he says. "Derek!" I scold him. "Not you, just everyone else" he says. I sigh, rolling my eyes.

"They're here to see you before your surgery, baby.. be nice" I rest my head on his chest. "But you don't have to stare at me" he says.

"You know what? We'll go on a walk.. so you can have some alone time and relax" Carolyn says. "Good, bye" he says. I hit him lightly. He glares at me. I glare back at him. They all leave.

"Derek, I know you're stressed baby, but don't take it out on them.. they're scared too" I sit up. "I'm not stressed" he pushes his face into my shoulder.

"Its okay" I whisper, kissing his head softly. "I'll miss you" he sighs. "You're not losing me" I say. "But I can't have sex with you ever again" he says.

"We had an amazing night last night.. it was definitely our best time together" I put my hands on his cheeks. "Yeah" he nods in agreement.

"You didn't even want to have sex with me before.. and now you're scared of losing it" I say. "I didn't know what I was missing out on" he says. I chuckle softly.

"Can you go too? I want to be alone for a bit" he asks. I furrow my brows slightly. "Are you sure?" I ask. He nods. "Okay, I will be just outside" I look into his eyes. He smiles at me. I kiss him softly before leaving.

Derek's pov:
I sit in bed, thinking for a few minutes. I'm so scared. I grab my pillow and hug it, resting my chin on it as I stare at the wall.

I take a deep breath. I look over at the door, about to yell for meredith to come back in. I smile small as I see her peeking her head in slightly. She quickly hides when she sees me looking. I chuckle. She's cute.

"Meredith, come here" I say. She creeps in slowly and closes the door behind her. I know she's scared too. "Come here" i say again. She runs over and climbs onto the bed next to me. I hug her tight. She hugs me back.

"You know.." I whisper. She looks into my eyes. "If the surgery doesn't go well-" I say. "It will" she cuts me off. "If it doesn't, you shouldn't feel obliged to stay with me" I say.

She pulls away from me. I let go of her. "You.." she runs her fingers through my hair. She tears up. I put my hand on her thigh to try and calm her a bit. "You're my best friend, I'd never ever leave you baby" she whispers.

"I love you so much" she squishes my cheeks and rests her forehead against mine. "Stop" I say. She giggles, pulling away.

"You love me too?" She hugs me. "Yes" I say. The door opens and everyone walks back in. I smile at them all.

The doctor walks in too. "You ready?" He asks. I nod. Meredith gets off of the bed. She leans down and kisses me deeply on the lips.

She pulls away slowly. I frown as I see the tears in her eyes. She walks away and stands with my sisters.

"You're gonna be fine baby" my mom kisses my head. So does my dad. My sisters all come over and hug me. "Bye" I say as the doctor wheel's me out of the room.

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