chapter 14

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Derek's pov:
"He's so stupid" I say. I laugh as he gets shot in the head. "Yes!" I say. I'm in the living room watching tv.

"Can you turn that off?" She asks. I look down at meredith. She's knelt infront of me. "No" I say.

"Derek" she says. "Okay" I turn it off. She goes back to what she was doing until I finish.

I turn it back on as she stands up. "Damn it meredith! It's finished now" I say. "I'm sorry" she looks down.

I turn it off. "I didn't mean to upset you.. sorry" I say. "Its okay" she whispers.

"Meredith" I turn to face her fully, smiling. "Yeah?" She asks. "I did more studying on what you might like" I say. "You did?" She giggles. I nod.

"But I don't want anything in my mouth, that's disgusting" I say. "Derek" she says. "Was that rude?" I ask. "Yes" she says. "Sorry" I say.

"So, you wanna go upstairs then?" I ask. She nods enthusiastically. We go upstairs and get into bed.

Meredith's pov:
My heart is pounding in my chest. I've never been touched like this by a guy before. And this guy is Derek. So I have no idea how this is going to go.

"Do you want me to get under the covers?" I ask as I notice him pulling on them. He nods. I get under.

"Can I do it?" He asks. I nod. "Take off your clothes then!" He says, frustrated. "Okay, calm down" I start pulling off my clothes. "I'm sorry.. I'm nervous" he says.

"You don't have to be nervous sweetheart" I run my fingers through his hair, kissing his lips.

We keep kissing as he runs his hands down my body. He runs his fingers over my nipples, immedietly making them harder.

I hold his hand, moving it down slowly. I gasp quietly as his hand gets there. I pull away from his lips.

"Use your middle finger first" I whisper. He does. "Where?" He asks. "I'll help you" I move my hand down. I show him where my clit is.

"Mhm" I smile as he rubs it slowly. "Are you finished yet?" He pulls away. "Oh my god" I giggle, looking at him.

"No, I'm not fucking finished yet" I pull his hand back. He carries on. My back arches.

I bite my lip, my eyes rolling back. I moan quietly. My thighs squeeze together.

"Derek mhmm" I moan. I look into his eyes. He speeds up a little bit. I moan louder, my nails digging into his arm.

"Ow, that hurts" he whines. I push my face into his neck to suppress the sounds. My body spazms. "Stop moving!" He says, trying to keep up the pace as my hips rise.

"Uhh! Oh!" I bite into his neck, moaning deeper into it. He groans. I pant out of breath, my body relaxing as I come down from my high.

I pull away from him. I smile, biting my lip, closing my eyes. "Mhm" I moan. "Ow" he groans.

"That was amazing" I whisper. "That was horrible.. you bit me! I- I could die!" He yells. I giggle, kissing him.

"I love you" I say. "I hate you" he frowns. "I'm sorry for biting you" I giggle. "I do not accept your apology" he says.

I kiss his neck where I bit him. "No, I need to have this checked out" he sits up. "Derek you can't just leave!" I hold the covers around my naked body.

He gets into his wheelchair. "Bites spread diseases.. its dangerous!" He leaves the room. "Oh my god" I groan.

"I need you to drive me!" He yells. I whine, standing up. I put on my clothes. "Okay sweetheart, wait for me!" I walk downstairs, outside the front door to my car.

I help him get in the passenger seat and put the wheelchair on the back seats before getting in.


I hide my face in my hands. "Anyway, she bit me!" He explains to the doctor. "During sex?" She says.

"No, just hand things" he says. "Oh my god" I mumble. "Can I wait outside?" I ask. "No, I'm sorry.. he's a minor so he needs someone here with him.. I know you are too but it's better you than nobody" she says.

I sigh, holding my face in my hands, my elbows resting on my lap. "I'm sorry, I just don't know what you'd like me to do about it" the doctor says. "Take some tests" he says.

"I- would that make you feel better?" She asks. "Definitely" he says. "Can I ask you a few questions first?" She asks. "Okay" I say.

"Are you or either of your parents HIV positive?" She asks. "No" I say. "How do you know?" Derek asks. "Because I'm a fucking virgin, where would I have got it from!?" I whisper.

They take a few simple tests on Derek. They're all negative. We both thank the doctor.. and I apologise.

"God, I've never been so embarrassed in my life" I say, getting into the car. "Why?" He asks, smiling as he looks at the test results on the paper in his hand. I sigh. I drive us back to his house.

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