chapter 5

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I wake up in the morning and get ready. I go downstairs. I'm infront of the tv watching it when the door opens in the living room.

"Hi sweetie, how are you?" Meredith leans down, kissing my cheek. "Okay" I say. "Why? What's wrong?" She kneels to me, her hand on my cheek.

"I think that my disability will stop girls from wanting to talk to me" I say. "What? Thats-" she says. "That's ridiculous.. you're very good looking" someone walks into the room.

"Oh, you're Kathleen's friend" I say. She nods. "I hate Kathleen's friends" I whisper to meredith. "Shh" she chuckles.

"Hi addison" meredith smiles. "Hi" she smiles. "I'm gonna get something to eat.. what do you want?" She asks. "Nothing" I say. "You sure?" She asks. I nod. She leaves to the kitchen.

"What you watching?" Addison grabs a chair, sitting next to me. "Oh, this is the new show on Netflix, isn't it? The one about the murderer?" She asks. I nod.

"Why are you friends with my sister? You seem nice" I ask. "Your sister is nice" she giggles. "No she isn't" I say. She chuckles.

We end up having a full conversation. "I should go back upstairs" she smiles. "Okay" I say. "See ya" she gets up, leaving.

Meredith walks in a little while later with her breakfast. "Meredith" I say. "No, you're not having my food! I told you that I'd make you something but you said no!" She says.

"Mere-" I say. "Fine, you can have half" she says. "Its not that" I say. "Oh, then what?" She asks, feeding me some of her food.

"I want addison to be my girlfriend" I say. "You've known her 2 seconds!" She says. "But she's nice.. she doesn't talk too much and she has great taste in shows" I say. She rolls her eyes.

"Ask her out then" she says. "Really?" I ask. She nods. "Maybe just to the cafe down the road" she suggests. I nod.

I go to the door when I hear addison saying bye to Kathleen. She smiles at me. Kathleen is already upstairs again by now.

"Would you like to go out with me sometime? Like.. tomorrow" I ask. She smiles. "Um.. yeah, sure" she nods. "Oh, really?" I ask. She nods.

"Here" she grabs my phone. She adds her number into it. She passes it back to me. "Text me later" she says. I nod. "Bye derek" she smiles, leaving.

"Meredith!" I go into the living room. She looks at me. "You okay?" She asks. "She said yes.. look, I got her number!" I show her. She giggles, grinning. "That's great" she says.

She wraps her arms around my neck from behind. "I'm not suprised though, you're a catch!" She grins. "I know" I say. She chuckles softly.

"You want more food?" She asks. "Please" I say. She feeds me some more. "My hands do work, you know" I say, taking the fork. She giggles.

I grab my phone and text addison. We talk for a bit before arranging our date tomorrow.

"Meredith do I have to pay?" I ask. "It would be nice" she shrugs. "Okay" I say. "Here, pay me back whenever you can, yeah?" She passes me some cash. "Oh, thankyou very much" I say. "You're welcome" she smiles.

Meredith has a part time job but I don't. I do want one and I'm actually looking around but I haven't found one that I really want to do yet.

"What do you do on a date?" I ask. "Talk.. eat" she shrugs. "Talk about what?" I ask. "Your interests" she says.

"Is there any topics I should avoid? I'm not amazing in social situations" I ask. "I'd avoid talking about me" she says. "What? Why? What else am I supposed to talk about?" I say. She chuckles softly.

"Girls don't like girl best friends" she says. "Why? You're great" I say. She smiles. "Because they don't trust them" she says. "Trust them with what?" I ask.

"Trust them with not.. stealing their boyfriend" she says. "That's ridiculous, you're my best friend.. I'd never date you" I say. "N-no, me either" she chuckles, shaking her head.

"Honey are you sure this is what you want?" She bends down to me, her hands on my cheeks. "Yes" I say.

"Well, do you know what? I can come with you if you want.. to make sure you're okay" she suggests. "Um.. if I can't talk about you then do you not think it'll be more difficult if you're there?" I furrow my brows.

"I could ask out a guy from school and we can go on a double date" she says. "Mhm, that does sound like a good idea" I say. "Yeah?" She says. I nod. "Okay" she smiles.

"Yeah, then if I say something wrong you can cover for me" I say. "You won't say anything wrong der, just be yourself" she says. I smile.

"I should go.. I'll be back later though" she says. "Okay" I say. "Bye" she says. "Bye" I say. She leaves.

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