chapter 35

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I wake up in the morning, in bed alone. I sit up slowly. "Baby?" I look around the room.

I get out of bed. I go to the bathroom and get in the shower. Once I'm done, I get ready and go downstairs.

I smile as I walk into the living room and see derek sat with mark on the couch. "Good morning" I lean down and kiss him.

"Good morning.. you look beautiful" he puts his hands on my cheeks. I smile, looking into his eyes. I kiss him again.

"I'm gonna go and talk to your mom" I say. "No, don't snitch!" He pulls me onto his lap. "What did you do?" I giggle. "You don't know?" He asks. I shake my head. "Nevermind.. you can go" he pushes me off of him.

"No, I want to know now" I say. He shakes his head. "I'll tell carolyn" I say. "You don't even know what it is" He rolls his eyes.

"I will never have sex with you again if you don't tell me" I say. He pulls me back onto his lap. I giggle.

"You can't tell anyone" he whispers, staring into my eyes. "I won't baby, I promise" I entwine our pinkies.

"Me and Mark are going to sneak out tonight" he says. "And go where?" I ask. "Don't know yet.. he just said that it would be fun" he says. "Okay" I say.

"You won't tell?" He asks. "No sweetie, but you have to keep me updated so I know you're okay, alright?" I ask. He nods.

"Why am I not invited?" I ask. "Nobody wants to hang out with you" Mark jokes. I glare at him playfully. "Thats not nice.. I want to hang out with you" Derek hugs me. "Thankyou" I giggle.

I get off of him. I go to the kitchen. "Morning" I smile at Carolyn. "Good morning honey" she smiles. "Thank you so much for my present" I hug her. "You're welcome.. it was Derek's idea though" she says. "I know" I say.

"But thanks for paying" I say. "Its okay" she smiles. I go back out to the living room.

"Mark get off of him right now" I say as I see he's stood behind the couch, holding derek in a chokehold, obviously not actually hurting him. He let's go.

I sit on his lap. I scream as Mark pulls me up and starts fake punching me, not even touching me with his fists. I giggle, backing away from him. "Stop!" I say.

He pushes me onto the couch. "Stop!" I get back up and hit him lightly. He chuckles. "You're so weak" he says.

I hit him properly. He just laughs. "Sit with your boyfriend.. and maybe he can teach you how to throw a punch" he picks me up. I giggle as he sits me on Derek's lap.

"Like derek knows" I tease. "Don't you dare" I grin, grabbing his fist as he goes in for a punch jokingly. He grins. He kisses me. I giggle.

"I'd never hit you" he says. "I'd hit you" I hit his arm. "Ow" he says. I grin. He looks down at my lips. I giggle, leaning closer to him. He kisses me.

"You two are being very nice to eachother today.. its weird" Carolyn walks in. "Romance is in the air after last night" Mark smirks.

"What does that mean?" She chuckles. "Mark, shut up" I say. None of us say anything.

"Whatever" she chuckles. She goes back to the kitchen. I glare at mark. He shrugs.

"I'm gonna go.. I'll see you later derek" he says. "Okay" he says. He waves at us before leaving.

I straddle him. He kisses me. My tongue immediately makes its way into his mouth and we start making out.

He pulls away. "Meredith, do you know what Mark said to me?" He asks. I shake my head. "He said that I should be using my mouth on you.. like you do to me" he says. I chuckle.

"You don't have to, it's okay" I stroke his cheek with my thumb. "But I don't understand how" he says.

"Well, you know how you do it with your fingers?" I ask. He nods. "You just do that, but with your tongue instead" I explain.

"How do I get down there?" He looks down. I giggle. "Well, you could either sit at the end of the bed.. and I'd lay infront of you, or I'd be ontop of your face" I whisper.

"I don't like the second option" he says. "But you like the first?" I ask shocked. He nods.

"I want to try new things" he says. "Why? Why now?" I ask. "I want to make you happy" he says. I smile.

"What does it taste like?" He asks. "Um" I giggle. "You taste good" I bite my lip, leaning closer. I kiss him softly.

"What do you taste like?" He asks. "Why don't you find out" I smile. "Okay" he says. My smile fades. "Seriously?" I ask. He nods.

I get up. "Meet me upstairs then" I say. "Oh, can you help-" he asks. "Nope" I run upstairs. "Meredith!" I hear him say. I go into the bathroom to clean myself up. I hear a knock on the door..

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