chapter 23

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She moans deeply, her head falling back. I look under the covers at my fingers moving in and out of her. I make a face. They're so wet.

"Derek" she moans. I smile, watching her face as she reacts to it. She confuses me. I love seeing her pleasure but hate some parts of it.. like the messy-ness.

She grabs my hair. "Shit" she whispers. "Ow!" I exclaim as she pulls on it. "Don't stop don't stop" she cries out. "Stoppp oww" I whine, pushing my face into her neck.

Her hips thrust up and her back arches. She moans loudly. She pants out of breath. "I'm finished" she pulls her hand away slowly. I pull my fingers out of her.

I whine as I look at the liquids on them. She smiles at me, wiping them for me with a wipe. She passes me hand sanitizer too. I smile at her.

"Thankyou for doing that" she says. "Ok" I say, laying down. "Do you like doing it?" She asks. "I don't know" I say. "You.. don't know?" She raises her brow. I shake my head.

"Well, if you don't sweetie.. you have to tell me, okay? Because you shouldn't be doing something like that if you don't want to.. even for me" she brushes my hair back gently. "Ok" I say. She kisses me softly.

"Do you like it when I do it to you?" She asks. "Yes" I say. "Good" she smiles. She sits between my thighs, her legs open and resting either side of me. She has my shirt on so I can't see anything above her thighs though.

"I should go" she says. She kisses my cheek. "No, I don't want you to go" I grab her thighs to stop her from moving.

"Why? Are you okay?" She asks. "Well.. we haven't even had cuddle time yet" I say. "You don't like cuddles" she says.

"But.. mer-" I sigh as she stands up. "What is wrong with you, sweetie?" She asks. "I want you to stay" I say. "You do?" She smiles.

"Please" I say. She sits next to me. "You want cuddles?" She asks. "Ahh!" She squeals as I hug her. She squeezes me tight.

"You're hugging me! Oh my god.. Oh my god" she giggles. "Shut up" I say. "Okay" she puts on a serious face. She sits between my legs, her head on my chest as we cuddle. She kisses my cheek.

"I think you're starting to like this relationship, aren't you?" She says. "I already do like it" I say honestly. She grins. I smile, looking down at her. She looks up at me. I kiss her lips softly.

"I love you derek" she puts her hand on my cheek. "Ok" I say. She giggles. She kisses my lips a bunch of times. I push her away. She grins. "Stop, you're annoying me now!" I sigh. "Okay, I'm sorry" she giggles, cuddling back into me.

"Would you like to go on a date tomorrow?" I ask. "Why are you being so nice?" She sits up straight. I shrug.

Merediths pov:
"I just figured that if we're in a relationship then boyfriends are nice to their girlfriends.. so I should be" he says. I giggle.

"Mark said something to me yesterday.. and it just stuck with me" he says. "What did he say?" I ask. "He said you're the guy in the relationship because you take care of me and buy me things" he frowns.

"Sweetheart" I giggle. He looks at me. "You're the guy.. I just love you, and I've cared for you for almost our whole lives.. it won't change now.. or ever.. I'll always be here for you" I smile.

"But what if we break up?" He asks. "I'll still be here" I say. He smiles. I smile back at him. "Good" he says. "Shall I go now?" I ask. "No" he says. "Okay good" I grin, hugging him again.

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