chapter 27

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Meredith runs into my house. I'm in the living room, sat on the couch with a blanket over my lap, watching tv.

"Babe, oh my god, guess what!" She runs over and jump ontop of me, straddling my thighs. "What?" I ask.

I watch her intently as she talks, literally wriggling on my lap in excitement. I smile, looking at her giggle happily.

"Derek! Are you listening to me?" She hits me. "What?" I ask. "Ugh! You never listen! I'm telling you something important and you don't even care" she tears up and leaves the room. I furrow my brows.

I groan in pain as I move myself into my wheelchair. My back hurts so bad. I follow her upstairs on the lift.

I go into my room and see her sat on my bed. "I'm sorry, I wasn't ignoring you" I say. She looks at me tearfully. "Tell me what you were saying" I say. "Yeah?" She asks. I nod. She smiles.

"I got an A on my English paper.. and cristina only got a b+, and she's smarter than me most of the time.. so I did really good" she says. I smile. "That's great" I say. She giggles, walking over. She leans down and kisses me.

"I'm proud of you" I say. "You are?" She grins. I nod. She kisses me again. "Can you help me into the bed please?" I ask. "Of course" she says.

"Ow! Ow!" I whine as she helps me. "Honey, what is it?" She sits infront of me on the bed. "My back" I sigh, sitting back. "Oh, I'm sorry" she strokes it gently with her hand. 

"Do you want cuddles?" She asks. "No!" I say quickly. She chuckles softly. She kisses my cheek. "I wish you weren't hurting.. I dont like knowing you're in pain" she cuddles up to me.

I lean down. She smiles as I kiss her lips softly. I lay down. She climbs between my legs, cuddling into me. "Is this okay? Am I hurting you?" She asks. "No, you're not" I stroke her hair gently. I smile, looking down at her.

"What did you get on the English test, der?" She asks. "A+" I say. "Fuck you" she says. I frown. She giggles. "I'm just joking.. Well done sweetie" she kisses me. I smile.

"I don't understand the joke" I say. "It doesn't matter" she chuckles softly. "But-" I say. "Der, it was a stupid joke.. promise" she says. "Okay" I say. She smiles.

I run my hand down her back, resting it just above her butt. She smiles at me. "You're getting a lot more comfortable with me, aren't you?" She asks.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" I pull my hand away. "No babe, you never do" she pulls my hand back onto her. I smile.

"You're kissing me a lot more and letting me hug you" she says. "I like it a bit more now" I say. She smiles brightly. "That's good" she says. "Is it?" I ask. She nods. "Definitely" she says. "Ok" I say.

"I also think its sexy" she whispers, kissing my neck. I make a face. "How?" I ask. She kisses my lips. "Because you want me" she smiles. "No I do not!" I say. "Yes you do" she giggles. I frown.

"Maybe I do" I say. She grins. I look away. "Derek, it's okay to want me like that.. I'm your girlfriend" she says. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Positive" she says.

"I want you" she says. "Really?" I ask. She nods. "So bad" she whispers, kissing me. "I knew that already" I say. "You did?" She asks. "Yes, you say all the time how you want to have sex with me.. its quite annoying" I say. She laughs.

"I don't like wanting you.. its stupid.. I'm not having sex" I say. "You don't have to, honey" she says. "Good" I say.

"But I'm always here for other things.. whenever you want" she runs her hand down my pants. I smile. She smiles, kissing me.

"Can you do your thing too?" She holds my hand. "At the same time?" I furrow my brows. "Mhm" she nods. I put my hand down her pants.


"Mhm! Oh, derek" she moans into my shoulder. I groan quietly, my head tilting back. We both speed up with our hands.

She moans deeply, her back arching and her body shaking a little bit ontop of me. I feel my fluids spill out and I groan quietly.

We both try to catch our breaths as she wipes me clean with a tissue and does up my trousers. She pulls up her own pants.

She wipes my hand and puts hand sanitizer on it. I smile. She knows me well. "What are you smiling at?" She giggles. "Nothing" I glare at her. She rolls her eyes. She kisses me.

She cuddles into me. "Can I sleep here?" She asks. Obviously not that well though. "No" I say. "Please" she says. "No" I say. "Ugh, fine" she says. She kisses me a few times.

"I should go then" she stands up. "What? No" I say. "Babe, if you won't let me sleep here then I have to go" she giggles. "No!" I say.

Her legs wobble slightly. "Wow der, you really did your job well today" she smirks. "What job?" I ask. She giggles. "Bye, I love you" she chuckles. "Don't go" I say. She waves at me before leaving. I groan.

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