chapter 13

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I'm having dinner at Derek's house today. I'm a little nervous because I think he's probably going to regret what we did last night.

I know that he'd tell me to my face and I really don't want him to because it will hurt my feelings.

I walk into his house. "I'm sorry I'm late" I walk into the kitchen. His family is already all sat down. "That's okay honey, we've only just sat down" Carol says, passing me my plate of food as I sit next to derek.

Derek is sat at the very end in his wheelchair and I'm sat to the left side of him.

Amelia is opposite me and Nancy is next to her, Christopher is next to me and Carol is at the other end of the table, opposite derek.

I don't know where his other sisters are. They're probably out somewhere else.

"You okay?" I look at derek. "Why you being weird?" Amelia asks. "I'm not being weird.. you're weird" I say defensively. "Okay" she chuckles.

"Hey, whys she being weird?" Nancy asks derek. He shrugs. "Is it because of that thing you did yesterday?" He looks at me. My eyes widen slightly.

"What do you call it again?" He asks. "Nothing! Derek-" I say. I shake my head. "Blow job" he says. They gasp.

He chuckles, shaking his head. "That's such a weird name for it" he says. He eats some food. I push my face into his shoulder, hiding it. "Oh my god" Amelia laughs.

"Can you get off? That's annoying" he says, moving his shoulders so I'll pull away from him. I shake my head. "I'm gonna go.. jump off of a cliff" I walk out of the room quickly. "Okay bye" Derek says.

Derek's pov:
"What?" I ask as I see my mom and dad looking at eachother. "Christopher" my mom says. "Nope, this is all yours" he says. "What?" I ask.

"Honey, you embarrassed her.. you can't tell people when you do something like that.. its private" she says. "Oh, really?" I ask. They all nod. "Ok" I continue eating.

"Oh my god.. apologies to meredith" amelia hits me. "Ow" I say. "Meredith!" I yell.

She slowly walks into the room, hiding her face behind her hair. "Come here" I say. She walks over. I pull her down to me. She kneels infront of me so we're the same height.

"I did not realise it was a secret.. I am sorry" I say. "Okay" she whispers. I peck her lips quickly. She smiles.

"Can I go? I feel awkward" she says. "Why?" I ask. "They're all looking at me" she whispers. "Stop looking at her!" I warn. They all look away.

"Okay, sit" I say. She slowly sits back down. "I can't believe you took advantage of my poor innocent brother" amelia says. I furrow my brows in confusion."Shut up" meredith giggles.

"He's not that innocent.. he called me a whore yesterday" she says. "Freaking mark" my mom rolls her eyes. Meredith giggles. I frown.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She puts her finger under my chin. "Are you laughing at me?" I ask. "No sweetheart!" She shakes her head.

"I'm confused" I say. "Der, just eat your food" she smiles, kissing me softly.

"Oh, another thing.. meredith put her tongue in my mouth yesterday.. that was so weird.. absolutely disgusting" I shake my head. They laugh.

"Oh my god" meredith shakes her head. "I hate you" she giggles. "I'm going to the bathroom" she stands up. She leans down to kiss my cheek.

"Ahh!" I yell. She giggles, walking past me. "She licked me!" I exclaim. "Meredith!" My mom scolds. She wipes my cheek with a napkin for me.

"No, mom! I need antiseptic cream" I say. "She's not going to infect you" she laughs. I whine, wiping my cheek again.

Meredith walks back in soon after. "You're still whining?" She laughs. She leans down and kisses my cheek softly. "I'm sorry" she hugs me. "Get off" I say. She pulls away.

"Do you want me to go?" She asks. "Yes" I say. "No!" Amelia says. "Fine.. no" I roll my eyes. "Great" she kisses me. She sits back down. I glare at her. She grins, blowing a kiss at me. We continue eating.

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