chapter 9

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I knock on her room door. She opens it. "Der?" She wipes her eyes tiredly, looking at me as I hold a flower up to her. She takes it.

"What are you doing here sweetie? How did you even get here?" She asks. "I begged my mom to drop me off" I say.

"I want to date you" I say. "What?" She smiles. "I thought about it and I think that you kissing me was you trying to tell me something, was I correct?" I ask. "Yeah, you were" she chuckles softly.

"Okay good, bye then" I turn my chair around. "Derek! No no no" she pulls me into her room. She closes the door behind us.

She leans down, kissing me. I pull her onto my lap. She straddles me. She pulls away and pulls off her pyjama shirt. She kisses me again.


I gasp, opening my eyes. I look around and realise I'm in bed. I let out a huge breath.

I look at the clock before getting out of bed and getting myself ready. I go downstairs and ask my mom to drive me to merediths. She does.

I go into her house. I go to the living room. Meredith is sat in there with lexie and her mom.

"I had a sex dream about you last night" I say. She looks at me shocked. "Derek! Oh my god" she giggles, walking over to me.

"You can not say that infront of my mom!" She says as we leave the room. "Why not? She obviously had to have sex to have you.. she knows all about it" I say. She chuckles.

"You had a sex dream.. about me?" She grins. "Yes" I say. "What was I doing in it?" She asks. "Me" I say. She giggles.

"I think I have romantic feelings for you" I say. "You do?" She asks. "Or sexual.. I'm not sure" I say. She sits at the kitchen table.

"Are you upset or mad?" I ask. "Overwhelmed" she chuckles. "Kay, I'll go, so you can think" I turn around. "No!" She runs infront of me.

She holds my face in her hands and kisses me. I groan, pulling away. "What?" She asks. "This is how the dream started" I say. She giggles. "Shut up" she says.

"Stop kissing me" I say. "Okay" she says. "I will let you kiss me one time a day if you date me and that's it.. you get no more cuddle time than usual and no sex at all.. ever" I say.

"Save the dirty talk till later mister" she teases. I glare at her. She giggles. "I'll agree to the cuddling and the sex but I'm getting as many kisses as I want" she kisses my cheek a bunch of times. I groan.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask. "Yes sweetie of course I will!" She hugs me tight. "No hugging!" I exclaim. She giggles, pulling away.

"When will our first date be?" I ask. "Tomorrow, we can go to a cafe or something" she says. "I have no money" I say. "I'll pay" she smiles.

"No, I'm supposed to pay" I say. "I've paid for literally every meal we've ever had together" she says. "Okay fine, you can pay" I say. "Thankyou" she chuckles. "You're welcome" I say. She giggles.

"Okay goodbye" I say. "No, you can't leave now!" She says. "I am not having sex with you.. leave me alone!" I say. She giggles. "Stop it!" She laughs.

"You can sleep in my bed tonight" she says. "Okay" I say. We go upstairs. She takes the covers off and puts them in the closet, replacing them with my ones instead.

"Is your mom waiting for you?" She asks. "No, she left.. I was going to text her to pick me up later but I won't" I say. "Oh, okay" she says.

She helps me get ready for bed and get under the covers. "Thankyou" I say as she tucks me in. "You don't have your book with you.. you want me to talk to you until you fall asleep instead?" She asks. "No" I say. "Okay" she chuckles.

Merediths pov:
"Um, have you been in love with me since you met me?" He asks. "No" I chuckle softly. "Good, that would've been really stupid" he says.

"I've loved you since we were about.. 10" I say. "You're stupid" he says. I laugh.

"Derek, you've never been interested in girls since a couple of weeks ago.. I didn't know I had a chance" I smile. "I would've gone out with you either way.. I'm stupid too" he says. I smile hugely.

I kiss his lips. "Stop kissing me!" He yells. "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry" I say. He glares at me. "Love you byeeeee!" I kiss him again quickly before rushing out of the room. I go to sleep on the couch downstairs.

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