chapter 26

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I open my eyes as I feel meredith wrap her arms around me. I look at her. I furrow my brows as I realise she's still asleep.

"Meredith" I shake her. She opens her eyes slowly. She whines, pushing her face into my neck. "Babe, let me sleep!" She whines. 

"You're ontop of me" I say. "You're comfy" she mumbles. I groan. "I love you" she plays with my hair tiredly. I roll my eyes.

She falls back asleep. I push her off of me gently. I pull myself into my wheelchair and get myself ready before going downstairs.

"Why did you leave?" She walks in as I watch tv in the living room. A small smile appears on my face as I see her wearing my shirt.

"What are you smiling at?" She giggles. "You look pretty" I say. She smiles widely. She hugs me, sitting on my lap.

She kisses me. I pull away. "What's wrong?" She asks. "..nothing" I say. "Its okay honey, tell me" she chuckles. "Your breath smells a little" I say. She breathes onto her hand to smell it. She giggles.

She kisses my cheek instead. "I'll be back!" She gets up and runs upstairs. She comes back down. She kisses me again. She tastes like toothpaste. She straddles me. I put my hands on her thighs.

She pulls away slowly. She smiles. "I'm going to the doctors today" I say. "Oh, why?" She asks. "Back pain" I say. "Oh, I didn't know sweetheart, you should've told me" she says. I shrug.

"I also have a pain in my ass.. would you like to hear about that too? It's name is meredith grey and-" I say. She laughs. "Derek, when did you develop a sense of humor?" She says. I grin proudly. She giggles.

"Do you need a lift to the doctors?" He asks. "My mom is taking me" I say. "Oh, okay" she says. I nod.

"Can I come?" She asks. "Why?" I ask. "Because you're my boyfriend" she says. "So?" I ask. "So, I care about you" she says. "Why?" I ask. "Because I just do!" She yells. "Okay" I say.

She hugs me. She stands up, pulling away. "I'm gonna go" she says. "Go where?" I ask. "I need to get changed first but go home" she says. "But why?" I frown. "Because I have things to do sweetheart" she smiles.

"You should stay here" I say. "Oh, should I?" She giggles. I nod. "I'll see you later" she leans down, kissing my cheek.

She walks away. She comes back down fully dressed a little while later. "Bye der, I love you" she kisses me. I look into her eyes. She smiles. "Say it back" she says. "No" I say.

She crouches infront of me so she's the same level as me. "Say it" she says. "No" I say. "Why?" She asks. "Because you'll go if I say it" I say. She grins. She stands up and hugs my neck. I roll my eyes.

She pulls away. "I'm gonna keep hugging you until you say it" she says. "I love you!" I say immediately. She giggles, pecking my lips before leaving.


It's a few hours later and I'm sat in the car in the back. I look as she gets in next to me. "Hi handsome" she grins. "What are you doing here?" I sigh. "I told you I'm coming with you!" She holds my hand.

She leans over, kissing my cheek. She puts her hands on my jaw, kissing my lips a lot of times softly.

I groan, pushing her away gently. She grins. "Are you scared, sweetie?" She whispers, running her fingers through my hair. I shake my head. "You sure?" She asks.

I don't like doctors offices. I get flashbacks from my childhood. A lot of my time was spent there when I was little.

"I'm sure" I say. "Good" she smiles. She wntwines our fingers. I squeeze her hand gently as my mom starts driving.

We arrive and are talking to my doctor in his room. "Are you two.." he looks at me and meredith holding hands. Meredith giggles, nodding. "Finally!" He says. "Yeah" she grins.

"How'd that happen?" He chuckles. "I'm not really sure" she chuckles. He laughs.

Shes playing with my hair, sat behind me on the doctors bed as I'm sat in my wheelchair infront of her whilst the doctor takes my blood and does all his normal checkups. I pull her hand away.

She continues doing it anyway. I roll my eyes. The doctor chuckles softly. I reach back, squeezing the bottom of her leg gently when the doctor moves the needle closer.

She reaches down, holding my hand. I squeeze it hard as the needle goes in. "Ow Ow ow" she whines.

I slowly let go of her hand. "That hurt so bad" she shakes her hand. "That's what you get for touching my hair" I say. She gasps, hitting me playfully. I grin. She giggles.

"Derek, it hurts now" she whines. I hold her hand gently. She smiles as I kiss it softly. "Will you shut up now?" I drop her hand again. She groans.

Once we're done at the doctors, they take me to taco Bell after for being brave. They act like I'm a child.

"You're making it cold!" I yell as meredith blows on my fries. "You said it burnt your tongue" she says. "But now it's too cold" I say. She groans.

"Just eat your taco" she shoves it in my mouth. I frown. I eat it. We go into my house. Me and meredith go up to my room.

"I need a bath" I say. "I'll run it baby, one sec" she walks away. She comes back. "Can I join you?" She asks. "Where?" I ask. "In the bath.." she runs her hand down my arm.

"No! That's disgusting.. I dont want to be sitting in your filth" I say. "Derek, there's soap in the water" she giggles.

"Please.. it'll be nice" she says. "..fine" I say. Once the bath is run she helps me get in. We have a special bath that I can use of course. It makes it easier for them to help me into it.

I watch her as she pulls off her clothes and gets in, sitting opposite me. She turns around and sits between my legs instead, her back against my stomach.

Merediths pov:
I smile as he slowly wraps his arms around me. I put my hands on his thighs, running them up and down slowly. He rests his chin on my shoulder.

I love moments like this, when we're alone. He's so different. He let's me in.. let's down his guard.

"So? Do you like this?" I ask. "Yes, I do actually.. its kind of nice" he says. I smile. I look back at him.

He leans in slowly and kisses me. I sigh against his lips, putting my hand on his cheek.

I pull away slowly. I smile brightly, looking into his eyes. He takes a breath, staring at my lips. He kisses me again. I put my hands on his cheeks, moaning quietly. I turn around, straddling him.

I pull away slowly. "Derek" I smile, closing my eyes as he kisses my neck. I kiss his lips again.

We pull away slowly. He smiles at me. "I like being naked with you" I smirk, entwining our fingers. He makes a face. I giggle. I turn back around and he hugs me from behind again.

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