chapter 21

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"Come on sweetheart, try to loosen up a little.. have fun" I say. We're at a party at marks House and he's in the corner of the room hiding. I dragged him here and now he won't stop complaining.

"Drink this" I pass him a drink. "What is it?" He asks. "Vodka.. you're allowed alcohol, aren't you?" I ask. "Yes.. but I don't drink it" he says.

"Try it der" I smile, kneeling down to him. He takes a sip. His eyes widen and he gags. I laugh. "Honey, it's not that bad!" I giggle.

"Drink it faster, it'll taste better eventually" I say. He gulps it fast. I grin.


I'm sat on his lap cuddling him, still hidden in the corner of the room. Mark walks over. I smile. "Mark!" Derek smiles. I grin, looking at him.

"Did you drug him!?" Mark whispers. "He's drunk" I giggle. He smiles, looking at me. I look at him. "You're hot" he giggles like a little girl, pushing his face into my shoulder. I giggle, looking at mark. He laughs, walking away.

I grin hugely as he kisses my cheek. He puts his hand on my jaw, kissing my lips. I hesitantly kiss him back, shocked that he's even kissing me at all.

I moan against his lips as he slides his tongue into my mouth. I hold his face in my hands as we make out.

I pull away slowly. I moan quietly as he grabs my waist, pulling my lips back onto his.

We finally pull away breathless. "What the hell has gotten into you?" I say into his ear so he can hear me over the music. "Nothing, but I wanna get into you tonight" he says. "Derek shepherd!" I gasp.

I pull away and look at him. He has a smirk on his face, looking down at my body on his lap. "I'm gonna go and get a drink.. I'm feeling very hot" I breathe against his ear. I get up and walk away.

I go over to mark. "Hey!" He pulls me closer to him. I giggle as he dances next to me to the music. "I need to talk to you!" I yell. He leads me to a more secluded area.

"Derek's drunk.. and apparently he's the horniest person on the planet when he is.. he just said that he wants to have sex with me" I panic. He chuckles.

I feel a hand on my thigh. I look behind me and see derek. I look back at mark, my eyes wide open. He laughs. 

"Have fun" he shrugs. "I'm not taking advantage of my drunk boyfriend!" I whisper harshly. "Fine, don't then" he chuckles, walking away.

"Baby, you wanna go?" I lean down to him. "To bed?" He smiles, looking at my boobs spilling from my dress. "Yep" I chuckle. He nods enthusiastically.

We go outside and I help him into my car. I drive us to my house. "Derek just let me help you into your chair" I giggle as he kisses my neck. I try to pull him up but can't. I sigh.

"Wait right here darling, okay?" I say. "Don't leave" he kisses me. "I'll be back in a second" I giggle, walking into my house.

I grab my dad for help and we go out. "What the hell" I say as I see him and his wheelchair missing. "Der!?" I look around.

"Where did he go?" My dad asks. My eyes widen as I hear derek yell. I run around to the back garden. My dad follows.

I let out a breath as I see him playing with the neighbours dog that were watching whilst they're out of town, in the garden. We kept it outside in the shed for derek, because he doesn't like animals and didn't want fur everywhere when he stays over.

"Derek you can't just disappear like that" I crouch infront of him, stroking the dog's head, on his lap.

"Oh, hey beautiful" he smirks, putting the dog down. I giggle. "What is wrong with him?" My dad asks. "Hes.. maybe a little bit drunk" I say hesitantly. "Oh my god" he says.

"Its not my fault" I say. "You expect me to believe that he came up with the idea to drink alcohol all by himself" he says sarcastically. "Yep" I say. He chuckles. "You're in big trouble when your mom finds out" He says. I sigh.

"Derek stop it" I giggle as his hands rest on my waist, pulling me close to him as he kisses my cheek and jaw softly. I stand up. He sighs.

"I love him so much drunk" I whisper. My dad gives me a look. I laugh. "Are you ready to go inside?" I ask. "No, I want doggy with me" he mumbles, pointing at it. I look at my dad.

"Grab the stupid dog" he says. I pick up the dog and we go inside. My dad helps derek get upstairs and into my bed. I put the dog on the bed next to him. My dad leaves.

"I want meredith" he mumbles, grabbing onto my hand. I giggle as he pulls me ontop of him, between his legs.

"Let's have sex" he whispers, grabbing my hips. I look into his eyes. "You have no idea how long I've been wanting to hear you say that" I whisper. He kisses my jaw.

"But not like this.. I want us to make love when you want to.. when you're ready, not because you're drunk" I say. He whines.

"I love you soooooo much" he hugs me tight. "I love you more" I mumble into his chest. "Stay here with me tonight" he says. "Okay" I grin, closing my eyes. We both fall asleep, for the first time in eachothers arms.

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