⏤ 15. merry christmas

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It had been months.. bloody months gone uncounted since Carrow had visited home.

Like anyone else, they had missed it. Like anyone else, they had yearned for the smell of it, for the sight of it, for the seethingly cold warmth it had given them all the years they had grown up there.

And Merlin, the way it prickled their skin was something.

It was.. sickening.



"You are back early." Alecto's voice made them turn. There was no smile on her face, only a look of slight content in her eyes.

"What'd you expect then?" They scoffed, rolling their eyes.

"Nothing.. just thought you'd be where you're supposed to be."

Carrow chuckled. "Yeah. That's where I am, aren't I? With my family. In my home."

Alecto's stern face didn't change. She only sighed. "You know, the job you've been given—"

"Merlin, fuck yes— I know of the job I've been given!" Carrow sneered. "Why do you and father always come around to taunt me about how stupid I sound and look in every damn situation—"

A wave of pain erupted through their body, and they fell to their knees, heart pounding in their ears as scarlet shame rose up their neck.

"How many times.. do I tell you to keep your voice low?"

His footsteps drew closer and closer, and Carrow kept their eyes on the floor.

"Especially when I'm around. You do know whose house it is that you return to so pridefully, don't you?"

Anger brewing in their mind, and a curse brewing at the back of their throat that they bitterly swallowed, they rose up to their feet, gaze still low. "Yes, father."

"The Dark Lord needs you to acquire his perfect weapon. He trusts you the most." He spoke delicately. "And aren't you doing this for your mother? For my Jade? After all, you are the reason—"

"The reason she didn't get the Enchantress's magic." Carrow completed.

They had heard it.. probably a million times. But this time, their father's hand gently grabbed their chin and directed their eyes to him.

"After all, you are the reason she died."

Tears threatened to pool their tired eyes.

He began again. "How many times have I told you—"

"If I wouldn't have taken her magic, she would've escaped that night." Carrow completed his sentence.

Amycus Carrow pursed his lips, a cruel sense of satisfaction took over his face. He then let go of his child's face.

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