⏤ 04. revisiting memories

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Asteria and Cedric had only spent seven days together, but Lord, had strengthened their bond like never before.. When the holidays had ended and he had returned to Hogwarts, Ria found her mind shadowed by a cloud of gloom.

Mind you, she had just found her family. She craved to spend more time with them.

And even her uncle, he had been there for her constantly. He even took days off from work sometimes, when Isabella was off for job interviews. Ria would tell them she would be okay, but that made no difference. Amos would be there, making sure his dear niece never felt alone.

Unlike while in the pandemic, her days living here had turned into a healthy schedule. It included catching up with her first-year portion (since she would join second-year directly), reading other hits in the Wizarding World, reading some of the fictional books she had brought, refining her baking skills, trying to improve her flying and Quidditch overall.

And when none of these activities bored her, she knew she was going to fit in here and do good.

Valentine's Day; her birthday had been a highlight for her. She had received a letter and some sweets from Cedric. Ria, Isabella, and Amos had celebrated the birthday with a nice dinner outside and then a movie; The Beauty and the Beast.

Yup, the classic, animated one.

Crazy, right?

The movie that Ria once thought was made way before she was even born..

She had watched it. In a movie theatre.

And it was only one of the few things she had realised and experienced till now.

By the time Isabella had found a house for them, it had been the end of July. Cedric had returned already. And even though Ria had spent much more time with him, she was upset about leaving their house.

"Wow.. we're gonna be living really far.." said Asteria distastefully. The bus ride from her uncle's house to this spot in Brighton had been almost two hours long. And even though they had arrived in the neighbourhood, they were still walking.

"You can always apparate to their house. You know that, right?" Her mother asked.

"It's not the same as living with them, though, is it?" She responded.

When the house finally got in their sight, she couldn't help but frown. "We're living here?" She looked at her mother.

"Yes.. Why? You don't like the house?" asked Isabella, her face decorated with concern.

Ria shook her head quickly. "The house looks really nice. Don't get me wrong.. But living here looks.. I don't know.. a bit lonely?" She admitted. It was a secluded, lone house at the edge of the neighbourhood. "And it's nowhere near the beach."

Isabella tilted her head, looking at her daughter with an amused smile. "I thought you hated seas and oceans."

"I don't! I love playing by the shore, in the shallow part." Ria justified. "I just.. don't like the deep, dark, mysterious, unexplored part of it.. or of any water body in general." An invisible shiver crept up her skin.

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