⏤ 03. the last azrael

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Dumbledore had arranged for Abel to go back safely to Dublin. Therefore Esther took the duty of dropping him by his office before she went home.

Ria hadn't slept properly that night either. But it was different; She wasn't having nightmares, since she kept slipping into sleep and waking up again and again because of two annoyingly occupying thoughts.

Her father's story.

And the news article that was going to be published.

A part of her craved to fall into the newfound comfort of anxiety, almost like being nervous about something managed to keep her somewhat sane.

But another part said "What's the worst that could happen?" 

The teaser of the news article had a picture of her, with a headline that said 'the last Azrael'. Everyone who'd read it knew already.. they would've told those who hadn't.

Well.. it wasn't like I'd go from being the most loved person to the most hated. She told herself.

It was going to happen someday. It could've been way worse— the reveal. This wasn't half bad.

And she only hoped that these words would somehow keep her messy self at bay.

The next day when she woke up in the morning, she finally gathered the letters sitting on her desk and went downstairs to burn them at the fireplace.

The lack of Harry's name in them still poked irritatingly at her heart even though she knew she didn't deserve to feel that way.

And as she burnt the letters one by one, through the smell came an aroma that made her mouth water.

She peeked into the kitchen, and found Amos cooking at the counter with his usual green apron.

"Good morning." He said, glancing her way for only a moment.

"Morning.." she greeted back, strolling into the room and sitting at the table. She fought back a pleasant expression. "Scrambled eggs and grilled cheese sandwich?" She hadn't had that for a long time.

Amos nodded with a chuckle. "Yes, indeed." He spared another look at her. "The special one."

Ria couldn't stop the small smile that grew on her face. Not that she'd never had a grilled cheese sandwich while her uncle was gone.. But he made it with focaccia instead of normal bread. And Ria doubted if anyone made it as good as he did.

"Freshened up?"

"Haven't had a bath yet.. but can we have breakfast first, please?"

Amos's heart almost melted a little, hearing her talk like that. Like a little child she'd always been, with sparks in her eyes that she hesitated to show now.

"Of course." He obliged, bringing two plates towards the table. And Ria felt a warmth rush through her body as she saw the steaming breakfast.

"Thank you." She said before digging in, and a small chuckle left her mouth. "So good.. like always."

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