⏤ 40. into the maze

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"Ladies and gentlemen," Ludo Bagman's magnified voice took the attention of the crowd. "The third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin!"

Harry took a deep breath; he was ready.

"Let me remind you how the points currently stand! Tied in first place, with eighty-five points each— Mr. Cedric Diggory and Mr. Harry Potter, both of Hogwarts School!" The two grinned at the cheers and applause that they received. Isabella waved at the two boys with a proud smile on her face. 

But Harry frowned soon as his eyes roamed around the crowd; Where was Asteria?

"In second place, with eighty points— Mr. Viktor Krum, of Durmstrang Institute!" More applause came, and Harry kept looking around. "And in third place— Miss Fleur Delacour, of Beauxbatons Academy!"

Harry could just make out Mrs. Weasley, Bill, Ron, and Hermione applauding for Fleur politely, halfway up the stands. He waved up at them, and they waved back, beaming at him. But Ria wasn't with them either.

"So... on my whistle, Harry and Cedric!" said Bagman, taking their attention. Harry shook his thoughts away. Maybe she's with Sophie, Nott and Zabini.. "Three— two— one!"

She stared down at the floor in horror, then ran her hand through her hair. No.. not Cedric. He is in danger.. He— He needs—

Ria got up, her body shaking with fear. She had to warn him. She had to tell someone..

Dumbledore.. Yes, he would do something. He would stop it, he would save them. I'll have to tell him.

Ria spun in her place rapidly, but instead of moving, she found herself stuck.

Something was glowing in front of her. Something really.. breathtaking. 

It gleamed like the moon with silvery light all around, and Ria found herself getting lost in its presence.

'You can't..' said a disappointed voice in her head.

It sounded.. sympathetic; almost like it understood whatever she was going through. 'They won't listen to you.'

She frowned, but her focus didn't falter a bit. Why wouldn't they? She asked, confused.

'Every time you've tried.. How much of your words have they valued?' The voice asked truthfully. And her memories travelled to the day the Goblet of Fire had chosen Harry as a competent.

'You screamed it to them..' Then played the moment when she was begging Dumbledore to save him. But he just walked away. 'They've never listened.'

The heavy silence of grief grew over her as she realisation dawned over her. She agreed with the voice. It was true.

'You saw a Seer, a Saviour..' She saw the same thing she had seen some moments ago; Moody transforming back into his true form. 'And all they saw was a poor, naïve, helpless girl.' But then, she saw Dumbledore dismissing the possibility of Moody being suspicious.

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