⏤ 09. quidditch tryouts

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'Dear Ria,

I don't know if you'd be expecting this letter or not. But I hope you open and read this, because I realised that I had come to the wrong conclusion.

The comparison that I gave you of the Obscurus and the rebellious dog? Get that out of your head. I have a more sensible one this time.

The Obscurus, is like a child.

I promise this one makes better sense.

It's not something separate from you, but something linked to you. It's born out of your magic. 

Whenever you're in distress, it's in distress too. Think of a child being in discomfort when its parents are in a bad mood.

So, this child always stays with you, and its moods depends on yours. If it is around the people it likes, it stays happy. If it doesn't like something, it will throw a tantrum.

I know I'm not being very helpful, but if you're looking for advice to control it, this is the best I can tell you.

Write to me anytime you wish to,
Esther Goldstein.'

Asteria decided it was better to count the number of names on the list again. She skimmed silently over them, trying to remember old or new faces, whilst trying to take a sip from her goblet. 

But she kept missing, or failing to take a sip whenever she saw a name that would make her go 'why on earth might this one be trying out for Quidditch?'.

"Do you know where I might find Theodore?" A girl's voice made her and Blaise— who'd been sitting beside her— look up.

The boy's eyes skimmed over her features— her pin straight brown hair, dark eyes— fixating on the blue and bronze scarf around her neck before moving to her face again. "No..?"

"Oh.." Her face fell with disappointment. "I just.. I wanted to give him this book."

They two of them glanced at the cover; it had some magical creature on it. "He mentioned he was looking for it, some days ago. And I just happened to find it. I thought he might like it."

Ria tilted her head with interest. "You're in our year, right?" She tried to remember. "Arbutus?"

The girl nodded. "Yes. It's Willow Arbutus. I'm Theo's partner in Care of Magical Creatures."

"You are Theo's partner.." Ria glanced at Blaise, but instead of meeting his eyes, she noticed they were still on the Ravenclaw girl. 

"Sorry, but we really have no idea where he is." She looked back at her.

Willow pursed her lips. "It's okay, I'll just give it to him lat—"

"We'll do that, you're welcome." Blaise took the book from her with a smile and then began to read the newspaper.

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