⏤ 07. the pink dementor

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The first day of Asteria's fifth year had been unsurprisingly bad. On the Hogwarts Express, she had made her mind firm on visiting the Slytherin common room as rarely as possible. But since she was the Captain, she had to visit her dear old underwater dorm to distribute a word.

And obviously, that had gone just as bad as she had envisioned it to go.

The now-sixth-year friend group of Amelia, who had been somewhat nice to Ria since her third-year, were now ignoring her with all their might. And to top that, someone had leaked the news of Ria's magic-blast in the hospital wing. As a result, more people feared her.

Couldn't get any worse, could it?

Well, it could. And it did.

Harry had gotten into a fight with Seamus the night before and had left a bruise, because Seamus had used some.. 'some disgusting terms' in Amelia's words.. while referring to Asteria.

"I was there with the twins and Lee, and I swear that punch was so satisfying to see because that clown deserved it," were the Slytherin's words. And Ria had the dying urge to go and sort things out with Seamus Finnigan. But she knew it wouldn't end well.

So she did the thing she was always supposed to do.. Hold it in.

The only things that kept her sane during the day were her best friends, her boyfriend, her cat Cassie, and Cassandra Trelawney.

Ria had explained the entire situation to them; from her going into that maze.. to the possibility of there being a mind manipulator involved. Well, everything except the things related to Sirius, Grimmauld Place and the Order. Even to Sophie, because those were crucial details that couldn't be risked.

Although stressed about the Quidditch tryouts, Asteria's anxiety had cooled down a bit when Adrian Pucey had confronted her. And she would be lying if she said his normal, friendly behaviour hadn't relieved her. He had talked to her like nothing big and scary had happened the year before, and Ria couldn't thank him enough for that.

Another bad thing was that Ria had just now realised that since the mind controller's first enchanting, any visions or suspicious dreams hadn't occurred to her. And it scared her even more, since she could be the reason for someone else's death if she didn't catch the Carrow child soon.

She had two clear suspects; Louis Bonheur and Celine Haynes. But it could be someone else too; someone she didn't know, and the thought drove her crazy.

Oh, how she wished she was back in the pandemic.. isolated from her problems and the world, enjoying the new Marvel content and new awaited sequel books that she now had to wait for another twenty-five years.

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