⏤ 00. the return of the dark lord

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Despair was what the world fell into once the gloomy sun of June 19th, 1996, dawned over its head.

T'was the day of doom.

T'was the day they came to know that the Dark Lord..
the one that would drown them into anguish..
the one that would save the rightfully deserved..
the one that would make the world's judgement..

Had returned.

He was going to rule the world one day,
and his followers would gladly stand at his feet, ready to sacrifice their everything..
just like Carrow was.

Carrow had been exhausted after last night, at the Ministry..
shaken too, but they wouldn't want anyone to know.

They'd offered to stay beside their Lord, finding ways if they could, to find whoever from the Ministry that might leak his return to the newspapers.

They trusted their Lord with their everything.
They believed even if a mistake was made from their side, He would be understanding. Tolerable.

And He had been.

He had been prouder than anyone had been of Carrow.. ever.. in their life.

He had gently patted their head— almost like a father, even though they had failed in their task to finally take the last of Azrael's magic and offer it to Him.

"I understand your eagerness. But you must be tired, my child." He had said.
"After all, you managed to do what wizards twice your age haven't.."

His red eyes moved over His other followers, and they only cowered in fear.

Carrow was the only one that could look him in the eyes, but refused to..
out of respect and loyalty.

"I just wanted to take my revenge, my Lord." They smiled softly, almost in an apologetic way.

"My own purpose is accomplished.. What's left is yours." They bowed their head.
"And I promise, my Lord, I won't let you down again."

"You have not. And I believe you will not."

"Now go." His arm was by his side again. 

"Get all the rest you can. Since chaos is to ensue tomorrow."

They'd left then.. apparated to their house, gotten into bed, staring at the ceiling with their dull, tired eyes as they listened to the comforting chatter that their mind played twenty-four-seven.

The voices were always different.. vivid, loud, unsure, scared, terrified.. cautious..

Cautious of Carrow listening in.

They thrived on that sometimes.. got high on their fears, since they knew even one mere idea of any insincerity about the Dark Lord would ruin their lives.

The only minds they couldn't really get into were Severus Snape.. who the Dark Lord trusted and often boasted about.. and annoyingly, Albus Dumbledore.

In fact.. he'd taunted them before.

Stolen power.. he'd said.. a thought in his head meant for Carrow.. will never prevail.

You will never compare to the Enchantress that was Isabella Diggory.

That was what he meant.

And so Carrow did what they thought was the right thing.

Eliminate the competition.
Take the revenge, right there and then.

Two birds, one stone.

But Carrow heard her voice still.
Like the phantom of a whisper.. almost motherly and warm.

It tried to lure them into darkness with her light-like calling.

It wasn't ordinary though.

It was Asteria. It was her darkness.

But the one calling wasn't just the Enchantress..

It was Asteria Edwards and Isabella Diggory,
together, like a monster made of the two,
scarier than any one of them.

What was more horrifying was that the monster seemed to use comfort..
to lure them in like some siren would do a pirate in the deep sea.

"I was waiting for you.." 

She said, with her lip upturning so wide apart that her face almost split.

Was she Asteria? Was she Isabella?

Was she both?

"I know what you are.. [name]."

A blood-curling scream tore out of Carrow's throat.

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[word count: 591]

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