⏤ 14. dementors

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Ria rushed towards the train, pushing her trolley through the crowd of people. Her gaze would flicker towards Cassie's cage once in a while to see if she was doing alright. She had been hissing at people since they had arrived there.

"You've taken everything, right? Your Nimbus, Hogsmeade form, books.."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah—" she said, hurriedly kissing her mother's cheek before she boarded on. They were a bit late; Ria had panicked and gotten into a disagreement with her mother when she found out her guitar hadn't arrived yet. It was supposed to be back last night.

"Mum, why's it taking so long to fix?" She asked. "I really wanted to take it with me."

"I know, hon. I just thought it would be better if we have it polished too. It's been years, after all.." her mother answered.

Though Bella was happy.. Ria was finally thinking of playing Daniel's guitar again. She hadn't since the day he had left: not out of interest, at least. She had learnt to play so she could keep it with her, and not send it back.

But for the past few days now.. every time she looked at it, her hands itched to play.

"It'll be back before you know.. I promise. Take care, yeah?" Isabella smiled, and she returned it.

Now she turned towards Harry. "You too, Harry, take care. And please, write back to my letters. Let me know is anything happens.. alright?" She said, a bit concerned with the entire Sirius Black incident.

"I will, Isabella." He said truthfully. "Thank you for everything."

The woman smiled, patting his cheek fondly. They finally waved goodbye to her and proceeded inside in hopes to find a compartment. Cedric had already left for his friends, Fred and George had separated too, and so had Ginny.

Ria looked at Harry. "Right, I'll see you later—"

"What?" He said, softly grabbing her arm to stop her. "I thought you were sitting with m— us." He wondered why he had stuttered.

"Oh.. actually I told Sophie I'd come find her." She shrugged. "But I promise, I'll join you later." She said, pinching his cheek before she walked away, and though Harry swatted her hand away, he kept smiling.

It didn't take long to find Sophie, and when she did, she wasn't surprised to find her sitting with Theodore and Blaise.

Upon noticing her, Sophie grinned, Blaise gave her a small smile, while Theodore just turned to the window after one short glance. Ria raised an eyebrow, taking a seat right in front of him. She opened the cage and let Cassie out, who immediately secured a spot on her lap.

"Hey there, Theodore." She spoke. "How was your summer?"

He shrugged. "It was alright." That was all he said.

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