⏤ 32. fireplace facetime

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The potion in the cauldron kept bubbling while Asteria aimlessly stared at it. She sighed for the umpteenth time, feeling empty inside.

Her brain was occupied by many thoughts because of the previous night. She felt excited for Cedric; she felt ecstatic for Sophie— who was now going out with Justin; she felt worried for the girl in the bathroom; she felt conflicted whether she should write another letter to her father; she felt heartbroken over Harry. 


She looked at him across the classroom and felt like slapping herself. Sure, his words had hurt. But it was kinda my fault. I should've paid attention to the details in my visions. She thought.

But then a knock on the dungeon door pulled her out of her thoughts. It was the Gryffindor photographer, Colin Creevey. He entered the room, beaming at Harry, and then walked up to Snape's desk.

"Yes?" asked Snape, disinterested.

"Please, sir, I'm supposed to take Harry Potter upstairs." Snape gave him a distasteful look, making his smile fade away. Ria spared a look at Harry, who was glancing down, his jaw clenched.

"Potter has another hour of Potions to complete," said Snape coldly. "He will come upstairs when this class is finished." 

Colin went pink. "Sir— sir, Mr. Bagman wants him," he said nervously. "All the champions have got to go, I think they want to take photographs.."

Ria sighed and quietly glanced at Ron, who was sitting with her this time. He was glaring hard at the ceiling, trying to avoid his best friend.

Yes, Ron and Harry had fought; she had heard from Hermione. She just wondered how many friendships this tournament was going to damage.

"Very well, very well," Snape snapped. "Potter, leave your things here. I want you back down here later to test your antidote."

"Please, sir— he's got to take his things with him," squeaked Colin. "All the champions—"

"Very well!" Snape interrupted, thoroughly annoyed. "Potter— take your bag and get out of my sight!"

Harry stumbled on his desk before collecting all his things quickly, trying to ignore the looks he was getting, while Snape's strict gaze followed him until he left the class.

Ria felt disappointed over herself. He had wanted a quiet year for once, of course. He would've been frustrated about his name coming out as the fourth champion.

'Knowing everything, but doing nothing.. that was what you were trying to prevent, weren't you?' A voice in her head taunted.

And she looked down. I'm trying..

'You could've tried harder.' the voice snapped.

"Some more seconds and the poison antidote will burn." An icy voice made her eyes move from the cauldron towards the Professor. Snape raised an eyebrow. "The poisoned person is dying. Your potion is ruined now. How are you going to save them, Miss. Edwards?"

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